Saturday, February 11, 2023

Baby reveal & roughnecks game

I had a terrible sleep, the kind you have before going on vacation. Perhaps it was the big day ahead as I did dream of a baby reveal but it was a stack of decorated cookies that let off colorful steam starting blue to purple to pink.. which is my guess actually seeing I dreamt she was a little girl many months back and even had her a name. I did wake with a headache so took some pills with my coffee. Ma K was upstairs and ready for coffee S got going. He also cooked up sausage and eggs and toast for them but I passed and got ready to go for the day.

Hockey games started at 10:30 am today!! S packed up a few beverages to take as I got the last of the items ready to go. Grama and Papa headed to the city after 11 hoping to check into their hotel then have us pick them up on the way by. S watched more of the Flames game then we set off at noon. We swung by their hotel, they jumped in and we arrived at the party not long later. Amanda, Ada, Mom and Dad had arrived just before us to a super cute decorated pink and blue theme.  More friends arrived, food prepped and Nathan’s parents on the zoom with Britt then Dave arriving so the reveal could be set off out in the street.

voting progress

Dad caught some zzzz's even in the bustling of the party

The smoke cannon went off in a burst of pink!!! Looks like half were correct in their guess. Food and visiting followed. 

get ready ...


Their faces say it all <3

It is a girl!

We were the last to leave as per usual at 5 dropping Ma and Pa back at their hotel and heading to the saddle dome. Kaylin, Shaina and Nathan met us there at Duttons for supper. Poor Britt and Dave had a long delay with a horse with a cut to her stifle caused by her impaling a tree branch. They made it in time to catch the last 24 minutes of the Roughnecks game. It was quite the game and crowd as usual with them winning but ending close when it was quite a spread at one point.

they made it!

cell phone song

After the game The city crew headed home after their long exciting day with B, D and us heading down to Dutton's again. It was quite the after party happening down there. A DJ had people up dancing, little kids ran thru the bar, folks were having a great time. The entire team showed up dressed in their best even. We visited and had 2 beverages before walking back to our cars and heading home. As we were just turning onto Glenmore off 24 we saw a HUGE shooting star!! We arrived back home just before midnight. I took H out for 4 pees seeing she was nervous of Darren when Sharon stopped to let her out and feed her dinner. S put the cats away too. Inside he was off to sleep while I started a new book Forgiveness recommended by Ma K and Candace as the writer is from Medicine Hat.


  1. Sure wish we were there! Such special memories!

    1. We wish you could have joined as well, maybe for the baby shower :)
