Monday, January 23, 2023

Table leaf underway

It was -7 to start with a polar vortex coming later in the week, boo. Headache confirms an impending change ;( I fed H and put on kettle as S made his coffee as I did my marketing. I made him a bowl of cream of wheat to go with his toast and coffee. The dining table got the other half stain oiled after seeing a few wee streaks I touched up yesterday.

Leftover lunch and the news with the sun popping out. I wrote a Hometalk post for the boot rack. S loaded up his equipment, boxes for B, my Etsy parcel and library books to drop off and was off to hockey before 1. I did some more marketing then headed out to work on the butterfly leaf sanding.

I took a break and went and fed the horses; the sun was lovely and it is PLUS 3 but the wind is ugly and heading back in once done. I threw in garage laundry, ordered H's food then back to work on the leaf. S was back after 3 as I was sanding the backside and gluing yet even more edges.

He loaded H in the merc and ran to the mail quick then back to rest on the couch. I did more computer work then put cabbage rolls in the oven with the leftover short rib ragu sauce to use it up. S rolled out a bale for the horses then back in time to eat. His Flames played at 7:30 which was his evening of love hate relationship. He even shut it off for a bit LOL I went to the garage to remove clamps, scrape, sand and butta the back of the leaf then flipped and started the final sanding on the top but of course there was a wee nick on the edge that required wood filler. so I filled and left to dry and came in to catch up the blog and research sanders. 

The wind howled all day so a hot tub was not on the list tonight. I moved stuff from B's closet to Shaina's she had stored in there to make room for B to store some things she has no room for in the new place. I stopped to watch the end of the Flame's game with S which went in to OT with a win! Then I was up to read my book while he stayed down watching the follow up till after 11.

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