Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Painting all finished at B’s

I prepped a supper dish for H after feeding her breakfast and making my tea and toast. I helped S with his cream of wheat to go with his coffees. I cut back my canna lilies and put under the stairs to give a rest for a bit on advice of Ma K and a gal offering me some of her tubers. Then I did final sanding on the table leaf and finally was able to put first coat of stain oil on. S was inside with his coffee and news. I did plan to have him run me to town early for his shinny so I could help Dad with lunch but Britt was out after 11 to feed with the food I made first thing this am. She had planned to go paint earlier but Dave had to work so asked if I could help . 

S stayed to have lunch and watch the news then head to shinny for 1:30. BONUS, It is free for the month. B and I headed to town where she dropped me at Sagewood by 12 where I found Dad cruising around. He was not interested in eating but was hungry. We walked, we tried sitting at his dining table, I tried bringing the meal plate on a rolling tray along to his wing but no luck. Karli the nutritionist went and got some egg sandwiches which I finally got 1/2 of one in him along with a wee cup of ensure, whew. The nurse and I did do a full change of clothes then tucked into bed for a nap at 1:30. 

B picked me up with her car loaded with all her plants but 1 and lunch (chicken rice bowl/ chai tea) and we set off for her new place to finish the painting before 2 arriving there before 3. After we unloaded allot he plants and other boxes of glass with got busy. I was the paint brush cut in gal while she was the wall roller. There were outlets to be removed and cleaning still to be done as we went along. She was just finishing up the last of the 6th gallon when Dave arrived after 4. He ran to Diamond Valley to pick up 5 more gallons and pizza and back in an hour.

looks different right?

the window trim painted white allows the focus on the view I think

me cutting in the closet doors.. the original 1998 wallpaper was kinda pretty but it is now all farmhouse white throughout

cracking open gallons 7-12 bucket

my trim painting (opps started before thinking to snap pic)

We took a short break for a pop and pizza then got back at it. Dave started putting the covers back on after pulling off the miles of painters tape as B and I kept painting. I did the trim in the master bedroom they left and decided they wanted to match the rest of the house then painted in the walk in closet. The next was cleaning the kitchen cupboards inside and out which we all worked at. I finished up the outlet covers while B washed floors and vacuumed and I washed up brushes and roller. We finished up at 9 pm and set off for home.

and below all her plants tucked up to the big windows

It is an hour door to door. B looked thru a box of clothes Shaina is donating then she and Cooper headed home. S who had a relaxing afternoon of hockey games and was watching yet another game but he and I went for a soak in the hot tub that felt good even though the wind had picked up. A rinse, orange and time to relax and read a book for both of us. I did have a gal confirm her interest in the desk and will send a deposit in the am.

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