Thursday, January 12, 2023

Bison pickups begin

The bison pick up did not go as planned but eventually S got it loaded and back to the townhouse after 11 where I was on a conference call for Dad's care. It finished up before noon with a lovely brunch cooked up by Ma filling S up for the drive back. We along with H loaded up and headed west fueling up before hitting the highway. I finished my book in short order. Crazy if we did not hit fog on the way home at Bassano.

When we pulled in there was the first fellow picking up bison at our approach. Actually he was there when we left the Hat missing Sheldon's text he was running late. Good thing he is retired and had patience to wait. He had a black lab with him who H met then went on to explore the yard while she came inside with me. After loading Ron came in to pay and visit before heading off.

I tidied the main floor area for the rest of the pickups then went out to feed the horses. The golden hour is so pretty and then add the hoar frost. Another bison buyer arrived as H and I were heading back in to feed her supper. I got working on the blog to catch up with another 3 stopping to get their packages.

look at how much snow is left in the great snow fort area

We finished the chili for supper then S was off to watch Flames and I went to the garage to glue yet another veneer edge on the antique dining table then start sanding the top.

The vanity was dark waxed and the top clear coated then I came in at 8 to work on marketing updates. I crawled into bed to read a new book called The Maid after 9. S went out for a hot tub, showered and into bed to read but soon asleep.

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