Thursday, November 17, 2022

Rug cleaning begins

At 3 H was moving around, at 3:30 she asked to go out but instead I put her in the garage until wakeup time. It was -15 when I fed her breakfast and she wanted to take his deer outside but after seeing the temp I went out and grabbed it and her to come in. S had coffee being made to start our morning. I worked on marketing and he, internet news. When paying his shinny fees online he found the time moved to noon from 1:15 today.

I thought H was just doing her usual head bury beside me but turns out she actually found her missing buffalo horn in the couch cushions!!

Below this unique red throated and under winged bird was obsessed with the garage, later he moved to the crab apple tree, is he a woodpecker type?

A fellow stopped at 11:30 to pick up the water tote but was quite chatty. I backed the car right up to where they were loading to be ready to go and at 1:45 we were out of the yard. I dropped S off with 5 minutes to get dressed then headed to Dad's. Today he was super sleepy and never opened his eyes the whole time I was there. I did finally get him to wake long enough to get most of his dinner into him, a bit of ensure and half of his chocolate mousse. I took that as a big win. I then wheeled him backwards to his room seeing the wheelchair has no footrests then hauled him into his bed. I got his bed adjusted for his legs to be raised and his head cozy in his blankets. He was sound asleep. 

I left after 1 grabbing S and I a chai tea and arriving back at the arena at 1:30 to pick him up. He was a bit later getting out but once equipment tossed in the back we were off to Paetz's. Amanda kindly trimmed my hair, THANK YOU! while S visited with Craig. We also borrowed their rug cleaner again seeing the bedroom move revealed a huge coffee spill stain and there was 2 plant pot stains. On our way home we went thru the A&W drive thru and grabbed a burger.

It was after 3 when we got home and ate the burger with the tea reheated. I cleaned our bedroom rug then did the entry to spare room. S vacuumed the living room rug and I did that next.  All rugs were dirty ;(. We both then bundled up then and headed outside. I had made the horse food so had them eating in barn paddock while S started the skidoo and went to retrieve 2 winter blankets. I had opened the paddock gate for him to bring right to me so I could put them on.

Inside it was time to relax and do some marketing while S prepped for his 5 pm Flames game. He watched in TV room after a bowl of soup and I caught up the blog in office. B stopped out at her usual time for Cooper to have his bathroom break seeing I fed earlier. It was a short 10 minute stop while I was chatting with Mom on the phone then they were off for home. I did convince Harley to go out for 3 of the 10 minutes ;)

After the Flames lost, S headed out for a hot tub. I declined saying inclimate weather, in short order he was back in for a toque then back in for good saying heck no it was terrible out there. He then joined me in the bedroom where we watched a couple Succession episodes with a yogurt bowl to wrap our evening after putting H in garage for night.

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