Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Master move around

H continues her middle of the night bathroom break but I was awake before her 2:30 request and not back to sleep for an hour + after, boo. Coffee was in need to start today. I opened my paint package picked up yesterday as I got the day underway. It is a windy overcast day, time to get another project off the to do list.

We moved in 11 years ago this month and today we finally attempted to move the bedroom around. We were locked in place due to the TV/satellite location but we said what the heck. Let's try no live TV only use for streaming and gave it a go. We started this after our usual morning start. A break a noon for a beer, lunch and some news. 

S had a rest after lunch while I folded the first load of laundry I started earlier then we were back to it. Everything was vacuumed and wiped, freshly laundered bedding and moved around. The big pleather ottoman was posted for free and quickly called but not able to get till Monday. Taking it out and changing things around made the room seem HUGE! We finished up an hour later. Now to hook up the PVR under the bed to keep recording. S clothes rack was attempted to get the missing hooks on but only able to do one. I want to paint our bedroom suite too but that will be another day.

I even wiped all the plant leaves today in our cleaning mode. Laundry continued as well. B and Cooper were out before 3 on her day off. She fed in the 0 degree with heavy winds then took Roo in the barn. She called me to come help her remove her front casts. Roo's hooves look good and have grown out to giving her wall for support. And they were easier to remove then put on :) S came out at 4 to roll a bale as B was heading home. She waited and closed the gate for him too, thanks B!

The wind picked up even more and the temperature dropped to -6 and going down. Leftovers for supper then we watched 3 more Succession episodes getting into season 2 already. 

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