Friday, September 30, 2022

Truth and Reconciliation Day

It was another gray hazy day out with wind when I let the dogs out and got them fed. Milk kefir was strained and frozen and more in jars to ferment. S was up and turned on the coffee pot for our wake-up beverage for the day. I did marketing and he perused online. He also chatted on the phone with his old boss while I put a roast in the slow cooker for supper, mixed up a batch of sourdough pizza dough then fed the jar. 

Today is the first federal truth and reconciliation holiday, thanks to Deb for our t-shirts <3

S has the dogs rapt attention

A wee mist of rain landed on the windows but not much. I headed to the garage to put another coat of clear sealer on the table top then get busy putting a second coat of white on the dresser. S took the ranger to the gate and brought the solar battery to the shop to charge and prep for fall.

light sand between coats

The design filled in in white before second coat applied after 1st coat sanded

Lunch was a bowl of the yummy soup before S hitting big brown for a nap and I worked on the blog. I then headed out to work on the table base adding a coat of clear primer and a 4th coat of clear on tabletop. After his nap S started watering trees with the under-deck water and did hot tub filters and chemicals. We stopped a 3 for a cold beer then he was back at his tasks and I unloaded more trailer stuff and got the bedding washed. I dug the second last potato plant for supper too.

S wanted a part; a compressed air connection to winterize the trailer so brought the fireball over to run to town in. He found a mouse nest that needed cleaning out as I changed my clothes. We made it to the dump at 4:55 just in time to toss. He found his part at HH then we went to Origin's for a beverage compliments of the Moore's who left a gift card there for us, THANK YOU!!

We filled the fireball with fuel paying more for dyed gas then regular pump prices then headed home. We were back before 6. I scrubbed and cooked the potatoes and sauteed zucchini (yep it is coming to an end) to go with the delicious roast supper.

B was out to do her usual feed in less than half hour now seeing it is getting dark earlier. After she left we jumped in the hot tub. Shower and iPad time for us with one dozing off fairly quickly. One show was 7 days Out: Kentucky Derby. It was interesting but 2018 when Justify won the triple crown.

Nathan sent me these pics of the girls at the famous gum wall and some kind of statue

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