Thursday, September 1, 2022

Mr Jenkin's has dental surgery

J is not a fan of being alone in the garage so at 11 started to whine. S insisted he must be hot so I brought him in to sleep in Harley's kennel but no luck he was complaining within an hour so back to the garage. This complaining carried on occasionally thru the night. Having set my alarm for 7:30, my brain woke many times before hand thanks to J as well but wide awake at 7 so I played a couple games, got ready for the day, fed H and loaded J in carry kennel and was on my way to town at 7:40. 

Of course I was early to clinic so had to wait till open at 8, fill out form online (dang no glasses) then have vet come get him and chat. I was off to visit with Sharon at 8:15. We had a great catchup over a few coffees till I text Shaina and found I lost track of time and she was at the house.

I arrived back home just in time to visit quick with Shaina who was in bed visiting Sheldon. Nathan pulled in right behind me so he said hello quick and then they were off. Shaina is leaving her Jeep here for the month and Nathan kindly offered to come get her and drop her at airport for her 2 pm flight to the UK!

Lunch was leftovers and a bit of the news then I got to work finishing the tile tutorial. Mom stopped out for a visit before heading for home before 3. I jumped in the car loading Harley and off to the vet. I took her in to weigh her and confirmed indeed she is 58.3 kg or 128.5 pounds, paid J's bill then loaded her back in the car before getting Mr J and his tech talk. He did well in his cleaning and had 1 resporptive tooth removed. It even came in under the quote which was good news of the day.

3 amigos in the back seat

I loaded him and we were off making our way to B's to pick up Cooper then swing thru Tim's for an iced cap. Pumpkin spice muffins are back!!! Back at the ranch I unloaded animals and sat on the deck with S to drink our caps. Inside I finished the last of the tile art tutorial and posted it then started sharing to all the spots needed and S was back to yet more ball games.

Gulliver the savage wrestling cat video of him catching yet another bird

For supper I cooked bacon to go with avocado and fresh tomatoes Sharon sent with me. S headed back to his ball games. Britt was out before 8 to ride Roo and feed then headed home just before 9. It is fully dark by 9 now and sad to see. Before she left we put Stella in with J to keep him company for the night, fingers crossed it works. S had a shower as I was crawling into bed bringing us yogurt bowls to watch some making the cut then he was back to his sports.

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