Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Dresser complete

Seven am startup for another usual day on the ranch for me with the prince sleeping in. Hello Fresh was delivered for another week of yummy meals. I worked on marketing and tutorials while S moved from spot to spot having a tough day with today being first drug free day and not going well.

Todays HF free gift; coke with coffee hmmmmm

Under the watchful eye of the inhouse electrician I installed the hot tub wireless remote system in the already blazing sunshine. However once I had it all back together and we were inside the system did not work. S spent the day watching videos and researching. We even went out later and took panel off and tried other configurations with no luck. Unfortunately the World of Spas has the worst customer service and has S miffed and ready to send it back.

For lunch I cooked up a yummy chicken stirfry with the colorful veggie pack Mom sent, thank you. S was back to big brown and his research and I headed to the garage to apply the fun transfer on the dresser.

colorful cauliflower and veggies

Once it was complete the new hardware was put on as well as another coat of hemp on the top and all was hauled inside for a few photos.

I sorted recyclables, fed H and finished washing and hanging out the fly sheets. I started painting a jar I had primed way back 2 fall colors. Between garage tasks when paint dried I continued blending the jar colors.

At 5 I ran to the neighbors for Harley's meat pickup and ended up visiting in the super hot 32 degree sunshine for almost an hour. I grabbed the mail when I headed back home to visit with the patient in bed watching ball. I cooked us a late supper, the last HF meal: balsamic fig pork tenderloin. It was good, an interesting tasting sauce. 

B popped out to feed quick and retreat home to relax inside. Seeing it was cooler now - down to 28 I went out to pick apples. I made a box for Kaylin, Sharon (with zucchini), Amanda and Mom. Mom stopped out to pick up hers and Paetz's box around 9 and after a short visit was off to town. I got J in the garage for his fasting night before surgery tomorrow. Back inside S was still watching baseball.. he is getting in allot of ball games for sure. I finished season 2 of Making the Cut and started season 3.


Such nice sized apples this year

Sharon's goody box packed up

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