Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Market projects underway

Another early day with H heading to the garage at 7:30. I awoke with a headache, booo. Mom was off to town early soon after to stop at Paetz's for coffee before heading to see Dad. I got the coffee going, cats fed and marketing underway. Once S was up and had his jumbo coffee he helped me unhook the travel trailer, put on the hitch and hook up the utility trailer. I backed it up to the front door to load my market wares at a later time. Thanks!

I was then off to the garage to work on the projects. The cabinet was sanded and distressed then the backing taken off one side to decide what to add for fun pop. I chose a floral western transfer.

The chairs were painted black on base and back. Sheldon popped out for a bit to give H a brush. The day went from sunny 17 with a bit of haze to very smoky and hazy 27. Finishing up at 12:30 letting all dry I came in to update spreadsheet and post the tulip vase tutorial. S had made a grilled cheese for his lunch and back in big brown.

I went back out to finish touch up on black chairs and scrub up brushes. The cabinet had the backs painted white then the entire cabinet waxed and buffed. I was just covering it up when Mom arrived at 2 to eat lunch. I threw Dad's blankets in the wash and chowed down salad for my late lunch. Sheldon had looped the pasture on the ranger then back in to big brown. I headed to town after 3 with first stop to get my nails redone. My thumb split half way down nail bed for some crazy reason but the gal had them refreshed and repaired in the hour.

I grabbed an iced coffee on my way to my lash appointment but not long after I lay down the headache that plagued me most of the day kicked into nausea and my arms tingling. I managed to keep it together for the hour and a half with the help of a neck pillow added mid way but as soon as done I raced home to bed at 6. Sheldon was in bed watching ball but seeing I did not stop for the pizza sauce and such he threw a store bought in the oven for him and Britt who was here working with horses on her day off.

S ran over to Matt's to access a SLiK Services job while I tried soaking in the tub then back to bed. Home from his assessment S showered and hit the sheets too as Mom arrived back from town just after 8:30. After brief nap I woke at 11, had some salty chips and watched McLeod's Daughters till 3 am when I took a sleeping pill.

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