Friday, September 9, 2022

Market booth set up

It was wet out with water in the cat's bowls and deck wet and cool 10 degrees out. When checked the gauge said 1/10th. I worked on marketing and the blog with a chai latte. S made a coffee when he got up then spent morning reading his book and doing some insurance paperwork. I created a peacock transfer apron to wear tomorrow. 

I then hauled in the stools and cabinet to stage. 

The cabinet length made it a tricky move in but I got it in and staged.

Before lunch I hauled it all out to the trailer but the cabinet which required the center leg removed and sanded down a bit. After lunch Sheldon napped on the couch while I prepped tags and care sheets then Harley, Stella and I went for a walk around the property now the sun had burned thru. It is only 15 out so a bit brisk. We filled dry cat food on our way back to the house. My spreadsheet was updated ready for the market. Fingers crossed there are some buyers at my booth. 

I also threw a load of sheets in to wash but washer smelled funky. I drained it and did you know this amount of stagnant water sits in a washer after done? no wonder it can stink.

Of course what is a month without having a billing issue with Bell requiring half an hour on hold to sort out the error? Good thing I could work on tutorials while on hold making the most of my time. After his nap S moved to the deck to read in the sun. I hauled the cat food bag and filled fresh water jug to the cats then headed to town after 3:30 to set up my booth.

I was disappointed to find I had been stuck in a corner booth albeit at the front doors that had no lights overhead. I hauled in all my wares but could not set up till I sourced a solution to the dark corner. I finally remembered I had bought lights way back when and had in my staging area so S checked and found them. It did take about an hour for him to dress, load H and bring them and an extension cord in by 6. Of course then the ladder was in use but once I got my turn and hung them it helped a bit. H and S went back home, thanks for bringing in. I then did my final set up of breakables and called it a night heading home at 7.

booth video

S was in bed watching Blue Jays eating a bowl of pigs feet. It seems he did not think to cook up one of the Hello Fresh meals nor taco meat or anything for that matter so I had some chips and microwaved a cob of corn that did not turn out so well, more like popcorn. B and Coop were out before 8 taking Roo for a loop around the field then feed. She also put the cats away after seeing 2 coyotes in the field when riding. One of the gals said at the market there was a frost warning so I headed out to move the planters and tomato plant up on the deck and water.

After further marketing and blog work I headed out for a soak in the hot tub after changing the sheets in Shaina's room that I washed earlier. S continued his baseball moving on to sports in bed. I showered up, did some more computer work then was off to bed to watch my iPad.

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