Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Harley and I hike on another beauty 23 day

The morning started out blustery in the morning so after taking H out for her bathroom break, we came back in to relax in the trailer with a cup of coffee after sorting the power issues again. A bowl of cereal and a banana then I vacuumed the trailer while S rested on the couch. H and I headed out on a 2 ½ mile hike hustling in 45 minutes.

When we got back to the trailer S had taken his coffee and walked the other way to the picnic area west. He was back in short order with us all walking back there to sit in the sun with a .7 mile- ½ hour hike. That was S's hike for the day, he was not feeling athletic today. 

Lunch time back at the trailer S grilled up the cheese sandwiches I passed him to go with a salad I made. We moved down to the river's edge just behind our site E5 to relax in the sun and H had a bit of free time. When the wind picked up, we moved back to camp and played cards. It was a beauty 23 out here but 28 in the city.

Our rivers edge view video

S then had another nap in his recliner chair while H and I hiked around in the sunshine.

Back at camp it was time to make supper which was chopped zucchini and tomatoes which S sautéed on the camp stove with souvlaki on the BBQ; Yummy and easy. S made a fire as I washed up dishes which we enjoyed for a bit before I headed in for a hot shower which felt so good. S came in for one after the water heater refilled then we watched another Animal Kingdom.


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