Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Back to the ranch and reality

Another blustery morning start at only plus 9. S hustled off to the bathroom with H as I got dishes put away and coffee going. We relaxed in the trailer for a bit with me trying to make blog notes and S on his phone internet, but it is sketchy which is nice to have a break. I convinced him to join H and I for a walk. We walked to the store and back putting on 1.7 miles in an hour. 

Harley has the zoomies videos

Back at camp we played Uno in the sunshine as it was now warming up. Lunch was egg sandwiches, but S took his a bit farther slicing his on his bread and grilling with cheese. Then it was cleanup and pack up. We have this nailed down pretty good too having everything done and pulling out by 1 pm. A stop at the dump station then we stopped at the park office and took the 1.1 mile Morane loop. 

crossing this log was allot higher than it looks, see video below for better view

Both H and S were officially done their hiking for the trip, H was stretched out in the backseat napping ASAP. We pulled out on the highway heading west 48 hours after we pulled in almost exactly. We pulled into Crowfoot area where Kaylin has her shop in Calgary and parked in big Rona parking lot. I ran across the street and grabbed us a cold drink as 28 out. Nathan brought us Lexi not long after then he was off for last minute errands before they leave tomorrow for Seattle. We then headed east again going thru town to fill the truck with fuel then home to the ranch before 5. It is now 29 out... on September 28!!

Cooper was here for the day. I unloaded some stuff, fed H then ran over to the neighbors for some milk for H - no meat this or last week. I also grabbed the mail then back to the ranch. S was watching ball but made some frosty pina colada's that we enjoyed sitting on the deck before back to the game.

I cooked us a chicken zucchini sautéed with S’s favorite cheese pasta. (but it was not OG KD but healthier Annie's) B was out after 7 just in time to join us for supper I made. She then fed quick, put cats away then she and Coop headed home after 7:30. Time for a hot tub then shower and into bed to watch a couple more Animal Kingdoms. I then watched a Selling OC while S caught all the sports highlights.

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