Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Hiking 7 miles in K country

This is a busy train corridor, the earliest I heard was 4:45 am and they continued all day. Prince slept in while I took H out at 7:30 then back to sleep for a bit then up to play some games then wash dishes before he was up to join me for yogurt and berries. He made his coffee to energize him for our walk. We set out with H on a 3 mile hike looping the Many Springs pond which took about 1 1/2 hours.

We were back for a late lunch of fresh veggies and pepperoni sticks seeing we forgot our can opener for tuna sandwiches ;) A couple cold refreshments were had too before we set out on yet another hike. This one took us 3.75 miles in the other direction looping back around to camp in about 2 hours. H was tuckered after a many step day.

above you can see how close firepit is to slide as well as the lifted trailer wheels.

We brought shampoo to bath her but as you can see not a good idea

walk video

S found a pile of firewood on our walk and thought to carry it back but instead put it behind a tree and we drove over to pick it up. Not that we can have a fire at our spot as it is too small with slide right near the pit but will use later. 

We even got out the NEW 10 years ago camp stove that never was out of the box.

Back at camp we cooked up a delicious steak supper with new potatoes from Mom and zucchini from our garden; delish!! We played cards before and after cooking then eventually moving inside to finish as mozzies are bothersome. We showered then watched Animal Kingdom in the trailer sans mosquitos. Bedtime early around 10 after a super step day.

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