Saturday, July 23, 2022

Paetz storage pickup

I was awake early boo then of course H wanted out at 6:30 but I held her off till 7:30 then both went out so I stayed awake and played some games. I pushed the grind and brew on my way by to let horses out and feed H. The deck was wet and grass dewy so must have been a bit more rain overnight. After our coffees and cereal one prince was awake S went out to install his swather handle while I wrote a tutorial for the utility trailer. He checked and there was 2/10ths total rain. Family taco night post finally was finished and went live too.

He and I ran to town after 12 swinging thru A&W to grab a burger before stopping at Dad's. Lunch was just getting underway so I moved him over to the window area and had his lunch there. He ate everything up including 2 desserts. Before we headed out for our walk I had the nurses grab new shirt to change him into and jacket then rolled him out for a walk. I did pretty good for my first wheelchair stroll only having a few pavement ledges to master. Seeing we did not get a drink with our burger we continued our walk to Britt's where she graciously gave us a cool fruit smoothie drink. 

S applied sunscreen having forgotten his hat and we made our way back to Sagewood. We got Dad tucked into bed with lights dimmed and curtains closed for a nap then headed home arriving before 3. We made a cold slushy drink and sat on the deck with Britt and Coop arriving shortly after. She trimmed Pepper's feet while S trouble shot the ranger's oxygen sensor issue and I sorted computer photos. S also pressure washed the BBQ they left when he did the ranger.

The Paetz crew arrived after 4 to pick up a load of items stored here first load being the patio furniture. The kids and Clover stayed as they took them to town. B rode Pepper bareback and led Bird around the big pasture. The kids and I plucked tons of dandelions to feed the horses. This was a win win for all.

AJ and C were back and loaded up the hockey net, steps, fountain and BBQ and had a visit while doing so. B found Roo was sick so after checking her out ran home to feed Cooper. Paetz's headed off before 7 as we came in to start BBQ and get supper going. B was back out to have supper with us then she drew Roo's blood and she and Coop headed to work to run it. S and I went out for a hot tub after I worked on the blogs for a bit and he online research  then showered and into bed to watch TV and relax.

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