Friday, July 22, 2022

Cat mystery solved

It is Friday already, the time is flying by. Lexi and Harley went out around 7:30 (chuck was out packing up stuff around the trailer) then back to bed for a bit. Coffee was made, I went and took off Roo's mask and blankets off Pep and Bird in my housecoat, fed the cats and H then back in to dress quick. Deb joined us around 8:30 with Chuck not finishing up till a bit later. Candace joined us not long after too.

just a guy and a couple dogs ;)

The Schmitt's packed up the dogs and headed off thru town then to Havre via Medicine Hat around 11. Candace visited a bit longer then left at noon. We had a quick bite to eat of leftovers, locked the mares behind the barn then loaded up Mr Jenkins to head to his 1:30 vet appointment. He and I got in right away while S waited in the 25 sunshine. Dr Robyn checked him over and gave us the estimate for his teeth cleaning/removal for $1-1.3K booked for September 15. I had called at lunch again to the vet clinic we thought tattooed the stray cat and she called back thinking she found the owner but after a few options that were still in their homes she thought she may have found the owner and would have them call me.

In the meantime we finished up J's appointment, grabbed a prescription and some spitz/pop and raced home for vet appointment #2 of the day. Dr Jordan and her VT Cass were already there catching horses; Pepper and Bird. They were getting their chiro and acupuncture when I heard the other 2 mares out front on the gravel barn door. easy enough I opened the door and they came in ready for their appointments early. 

equine pin cushions

watch Roo's acupuncture video

The cat vet clinic indeed found the owner and she called, actually it was her Mom's cat who was raised on an acreage but she had to rehome 3 cats when she moved into town. The rehome house is kitty corner east to us on this section!! He had left home in May and they assumed ate by a coyote!! His name is Jinks and is about 1 1/2 years old neutered last June. The rehomers are away but they agreed he probably would leave again and come back so are good with us keeping him. This elated Britt and us as he earns his keep well. She however wants to keep Gulliver but will add Jinks as middle name LOL

The horse vet appointment finished up around 5 with them helping me put them back then on their way. S and I decided earlier in the day we are not going camping this w/e but rather having a staycation here. That and the weather is supposed to get rainy tonight and the skies were now darkening. Sure enough as S took the bacon of the barbeque the wind picked up causing S to scramble to close garage doors up. The rain started minutes later. It came down pretty good while we ate our supper then let up in time for B to do her feed.

I took a loop around looking for Switch's grazing muzzle finding it in the middle paddock. We decided to put the chubby 3; Roo, Switch and Beibs in the barn pen at night with no masks. She was then off for home and S and I hit the hot tub. The rain started to sprinkle again for a bit while we were in. Showered and relaxing in bed we watched some Netflix having made a great choice to stay home.

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