Sunday, July 3, 2022

DQ in the fireball

Coffee was on before 9 just like yesterday along with H getting up after 6 and sent to garage ;) Schmitt's came in first then Moore's for coffee and a quick visit before they were off for the north after 10:30. S and I had a quick hot tub with B and Cooper arriving to check horse feet, remove boots and blankets. We dressed and headed out me scooping poop and S dumping it.  He then moved on to taking off a couple broken rake tines to get new ones in town. B trimmed KD as we headed to town to visit Dad.

Can you see out matching set of hunters doing a perimeter check? And how green is this yard!!

He was just finished his lunch and game to go for a walk outside even though it is overcast and dreary but no wind. We then loaded up in the fireball and drove to Paetz's to put another parcel inside then off to DQ for ice cream. We did not get our usual banana split blizzard instead trying drumstick which I do not recommend, stick to our favorite in the future but Dad loved his hot caramel sundae. Back at his place we got him settled in his room before setting off.

I had a mani/pedi (thanks Ma and Pa K, I finally used my bday $) while S ran for the rake parts, sewer hose and some groceries. He was back to pick me up after 4 and we set off for home. I unloaded groceries and started cooking my hamburger soup then worked on the blog. S struggled but got the push mower going and went around trees. I took Schmitt dogs out for a short walk and brought inside for a visit while I finshed making supper.

After supper I put dogs back in trailer, it started to rain as we went out to move KD & Switch into small pen and open the arena door. S sprayed no chew on the shelter after watching KD and Beibs gnawing it down. B arrived out as I was feeding cats raw. She took off KD's boots, ate some soup, tossed horses hay to help stop the beavering, loaded a dish of soup up for work tomorrow and was off for home. 

S and I got the old computer running to try and find some video he is searching for but no luck. I went and gave dogs their pills while S went and turned off Matt's irrigation. He then had a hot tub but I passed staying inside. We started watching Animal Kingdom only to realize we missed the previous season so have to wait for it to come on Netflix next week. I found we had 2 more hours of Kisstory we had not watched on the PVR so that was our evening entertainment while relaxing in bed.

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