Saturday, July 2, 2022

Brewery supper

Be darned if we both did not wake at 4 am, S had a sore lower back so took a couple Advil and I rubbed Voltaren on followed by his favorite back tickle. He feel asleep but I laid awake till after 6 when H popped in to say hi. She has been on this time schedule for last 5 days sleeping in the house in the A/C but today I did not send her outside but rather to the garage. I finally fell asleep and we did not wake till 9 thinking we had slept in with breakfast plans set for 9:30.

Turns out Deb and Chuck slept in too and were just returning from town on their grocery run. Breakfast was started with coffee, French toast, fruit salad and bacon and Chad and Karen joining us. It was delicious with lots of visiting while cooking and eating. Thanks Schmitt’s for organizing breakfast. Britt even came out to join in. 

KD seemed to have gotten herself cast in a hole again and her fly sheet all wrenched around. B got her up but not long after she found a new resting place but at least in a good location. B headed home to do some work. The Vegas crew headed out for Drumheller at 1. I got to work on the blog that I am so far behind in and S attended an online work “barbershop” meeting. Lots of chatting and laughing they had.

Harley got her new ball

she is thrilled.. watch video

I noticed KD was still napping so went to check her heart rate which I could not even find my own. B was out before 3 to check herself. We moved them back to the low grass paddocks and put her and lame Bird in the barn side and other 3 in middle paddock. S tested the bale monitor that was delivered (the part we missed picking up) then pulled ATV trailer out and ranger which he washed as well as the fireball. I filled the water trough while Britt put boots on the 2 lame girls and tweaked KD’S feet yet again. She is such a great animal advocate. Shaina arrived safely in Vegas via a quick text.

S and I came in for a late lunch after 3 again. B came in for watermelon and dots pretzels (AKA crack) at 4 for a break. We all went out then and set up a makeshift shelter in the end of the arena for KD and Bird incase it rains and closed up doors etc after S moved swather back in in east side. S took off in the fireball to trouble shoot Matt's pump he put together. B and Coop set off for home as I was feeding H at 4:30. I did a poop loop and took the laundry I did for Deb out to her trailer. Time to get back to blog  loading photos when S popped back again for a grab part and back to Matt's project.

He finished up then we headed to town to meet the Vegas gang at the local brewery Origins. We arrived a bit early for filled with fuel then to the brewery. A customer had arranged to stop and look at the office chair but of course she arrived in Strathmore just as we sat down to have a drink after ordering our food. She offered to try again in 2 weeks but we will be camping, darn the luck. We enjoyed a couple beverages and brisket/fries, Thanks Chad and Karen for buying the beverages :)

Before we headed back to the ranch a stop was made to the liquor store for them to source maple whiskey. I also found the local distilled gin I have been searching for and on sale to boot! Back at the ranch Chad took a ride in the JD tractor and ran the swather then it was visiting, snacks and cocktails till midnight when all headed to bed. Of course I watched a bit of Netflix before lights out.

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job detailing our day! Great pictures, too! That day was a lot of fun!
