Sunday, June 26, 2022

Yard work day

Dave dropped Cooper off before 8 and let H out to play. She wanted in shortly after 8 and waited in her kennel till I got up after perusing Insta to feed her and S made coffee. It was a BEAUTIFUL with sun and no wind hitting 25 degrees. Time to get laundry underway from the last week.

Our day was spent outside starting with S running a cleanser thru the hot tub which will run for 24 hours. I hand weeded the garden beds while S used the hoe/rake around it. I moved to the back flower beds and dug weeds while he started back on finishing closing in the deck.

S made a grilled cheese for lunch and I had a cold beer before we set back out. The island was weeded with all dandelions to the horses. S started the east side of the deck. We had a cold beverage break with popcorn on the deck. wat a gorgeous day! I came in to get the wedding sign tutorial posted now that the big day has come and vacuum the main floor.

 Around 4 Mom and Dad stopped to visit and go for a walk around the yard. Mosquitoes are out, dang it. S brought out water totes with the skid steer he had filled from the big tank leak only to find they were growing algae so he emptied 2 on the new trees and island then cleaned another out to get town water for the hot tub tomorrow. Seeing it was so warm I filled the puppy pool for the dogs.

I had prepped baby potatoes and beets for the barbeque to go with steak and a salad. Once finished washing out the water tote S came in and threw the veggies on while the Stanley cup hockey game got going.

B was out around 5:30 to feed and check horses after being away for the w/e. KD seemed to be reverting to worse and beavering the shelter so loud I could hear from backyard. B gave her bute to help with pain. While we were dealing with KD Sheldon put steaks on hold and ran a bucket of junk to pit only to get stuck in the skid steer having to walk back. B met him walking back on her way out.

He started BBQ and cooked them in short order and once we finished up we headed to the pit to pull out the skid steer before the 3rd period of the hockey game started. It was pretty easy to do with me in skid steer and him in tractor and soon we were back in time to watch Colorado win the cup. Laundry continued and I worked on the blog. We rounded out the night with a soak in the tub with new bath bombs from Kaylin and Nathan seeing the hot tub is still circulating the cleanser.

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