Monday, June 27, 2022

Hot tub drained

S was up and out to start the hot tub pumps to get it moving thru again before draining today. Usual coffee and H feeding then on with our day. It was another gorgeous day out full of sun and warm temps with no wind. S walked to get the skid steer and filled the sinkhole and covered in gravel. I raked the rest of the gravel pile around the pots and he scooped and dumped a bit at the front step.

The travel trailer was moved and with the box grader he cut the edges and weeds while I raked the edges smooth. All the while the hot tub pump was going getting the cleanser part finished. Then it was time to start draining it onto the road. We loaded the water tote and Harley and set off for town before noon. The tote was filled at Britt’s (who had the day off work) and while he did that B and I went over to visit Gran and Grandy.

Once filled we walked back and headed home by 2; I made tuna sandwiches and he pressure washed the grungy sides quick before coming in to eat. B and Cooper arrived just as we were eating so headed off to start stripping stalls. Once I was done I went and joined her loading the shavings and running them to the pit. B did a fabulous job of sweeping the stalls clean even using a hoof pick to get around the edges. She also did the main floor making it look super tidy!! S continued his hot tub cleaning swapping to the sump pump to empty faster then scooping out the remaining out of the bottom.


the pack hanging out under the water truck

Britt and I trimmed mats of Mr Jenkins

KD walking update videos

B moved on to trimming KD, me watering the garden and once s was done it was time for a cold beer as the tub filled with the treated town water. Nathan popped out to join us on the deck at 3:30 while he waited to pick up Beans later who had surgery today to expand his nasal palate to breathe better and get neutered. When B was done we took some video and she too joined us on the deck. Nathan was off before 5 to pick up Beans. The tub was so slow to fill with the garden hose we decided to put it on the skid steer and lift above and open it up. This worked like a charm.

Britt loaded up and headed home and once we had the tote back on the truck and Harley loaded up again we were off to town. We swung thru A&W to get supper to eat at B’s while the tote filled. I also helped her prune a tree as she fertilized and weeded. Once full we were off and this time directly put tote on skid steer and dumped in taking about 10 minutes to finish filling. The water is sparking clean now, the heater was started and the other fancy part of the chemical system added tomorrow.

WOAH!! how clear is that?

I put masks on KD and Switch now that all horses were moved to the house paddock that is loaded with grass. Our yard has never looked so good and these last few days have made it even better with less weeds and raking. S started up a fire while I swept the area and put diatomaceous earth on an ant hill before sitting to enjoy the fire. I saw Switch get her mask off and when trying to catch her she and 2 other dark horses had a gay old time running from me. Eventually I called Sheldon to open the middle gate and Switch along with Biebs were sequestered into he middle paddock where he is chewing the shelter to bits so will save the house one that demise and the grass is way less for a mask less Switch.

The skies darkened and the wind picked up sending us in around 10:30 for a shower and relaxing in bed catching up the blog for me and internet for S. Another successful ranch maintenance day was had.

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