Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Hurricane winds

The winds howled in torrential style all night. There was a spattering of rain drops when I awoke before 8 but did not last long. Coffee, H fed and beet pulped soaked before I ventured out to give KD her morning meds, fill hay bags and clean stalls. I checked the rain gauge and found 1" 2/10ths since last pour out. S says that is over 5 inches in total since Sunday!!! Another coffee then S set out for town after 10:30 to fill car with fuel and have a tooth filled. I worked on the blog, H's food was delivered then I went out in the horrendous winds and let the 2 girls out in the barn paddock for some free time.

The growth ruler was clear coated front and back then I finished up the bison skull tutorial and got it shared etc. I then finished up the wedding sign tutorial ready to post next week and worked on a couple others. S was home before 1:30 bringing Chinese food for a late lunch. The sun also came out at this time too but the hurricane winds remained. After lunch we both headed out to get "Darren" tree standing and tied up again who was once again.

My last 7 days of antibiotics did not work so Dr prescribed a new one, I took the first pill at 1 and by after 2 while working on the blog a wave of stomach cramps hit. For the next 45 minutes I could not go far from the bathroom. Turns out the 7 days and new ones had my stomach all upset. I eventually was able to lay on the bed and watch the second movie in the Divergent series called Insurgent. S tried his bolts he picked up today and found them too short so he ran back to town then finished up getting the guard on.

I was feeling better around 4 so clear coated the ruler again and when dry staged a few pics. S was back and got the guard bolted on and brought 2 parcels from the mail. One is a new ball for H as her blue one has gone missing.

I then hauled in the office chair and snapped pics too , when S was back in he helped me screw in the 2 tighter screws. Salmon supper followed by hockey game for S and blog for me.

B was out before 8 so she and I went and got the 2 horses in, I filled hay and water and she fed the other 2 and gave KD her night meds. She continued horse care in the barn. I got a text that when Amanda and Mom went to see Dad at 8 he had a fever, weak and not doing well so I headed in. Amanda had gotten him to take 2 Tylenol before I got there and I managed to convince him to take 4 antibiotics and 1/2 a Dixie cup of ensure which was not without a struggle. Cold cloth and turning down the heat helped bring down the fever for him to him relax and sleep. AJ and I left at 11:30 with Mom staying the night. 

Back at the ranch S was on his computer watching sports after a soak in the hot tub and shower then was off sleep not long after crawling into bed. I watched some Insurgent before lights out.

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