Saturday, May 14, 2022

Trailer packing underway

After letting dogs out at 7:30 and back in it was sleep till after 9!!! That was well needed. The dogs were fed and coffee made The plan was made to get trailer stuff out of the storage trailer and washed up to put in the new one. I started hauling boxes to the trailer doors while organizing a few boxes inside too. S decided to haul tools over to start building the wind wall under the west part of the deck. This filled the ranger up so all the boxes had to be hauled to the barn where I started sorting but eventually carried to the house.

found lots of treasures in our camping boxes with this cover in a folder I have for campgrounds.

S hosed off some camping chairs, lantern and cooler while I got dishes in dishwasher and boxes sorted to give away and clean. Things were hauled out with S helping me make the bed.

I ran to town around 3:30 to take Dad out for a walk in the 18 degree sunshine. After dropping him off for supper I headed home, mixed the horse food and went and fed them. S was working on the west lower edge of the deck.  I text S there was a gopher out so he took his rifle and 2 shots 2 kill. He was onto a 3rd laying down in the field only to have the horses run over too him to see what was up LOL

look close.. he is laying down on the left of the horses

I came in to make spinach fruit salads for supper while S finished using the last boards we had in between hockey viewing.

S moved the TV out on the deck to watch the Oilers game, I hit the tub for a soak and he joined me for a bit then shower and back to his game. I closed it up showered and laid on my bed to watch some QOTH. He moved the TV in just as Dave arrived at 10 to join us and watch the 3 winning period. Then Dave and Coop headed home and us to bed.

 B in Nashville

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