Tuesday, May 10, 2022

More rain

Of course it was another wake up kinda night knowing an alarm was to go off at 7:45 LOL H wanted out at 6:30 and I looked out my window before letting her out to see a robin ruffled up looking at me but I scared him off. Back to bed till S made coffee at 7:30 and we got ready to head to the city after 8. I fed H as he backed out and left her in the garage and took off Roo's mask as we passed the pit. It was misty like and only 1 out.

S arrived early for his biopsy appointment and I took off to deliver the dresser. Luckily it was a light one as the lady was single and had vertigo but we managed to get it unloaded in short order and I was on my way. I stopped next at Michaels to get the rope S needed for his bison heads then hit up Superstore for items on my list. I was back to pick up S at 10:30 then looped south to drop off a garden hose to a buyer. It was then a walk thru Costco that really helped my back feel better after the car seat heat.

our one and only planter ;)

The goodies were loaded and the sun was now out making for a beauty day, an ice cap picked up then we were on our way home arrived before 1. S hit big brown for a nap and I went out to soak for 15 in the hot tub. It was now 12 out, perfect to take Dad for a walk. S had a bowl of chili, we loaded up H and headed to town only to return back for B's keys when she text for us to pick up Coop. Trash was taken to the dump as we went by. Dad was stoked to go for a walk then got in the car as the skies darkened and came along to do errands. S got a new license plate for the trailer, we picked up Cooper, I did a quick return at Walmart with the final stop at UFA for flexible hose for the water rerouting project. The rain started up as I walked him back up to his floor and began to really come down as we made our way home.

The rain came down for an hour. I fed the dogs and we had leftover Chinese while catching the news. The trailer was checked for rain and S found the battery low so he hooked up the charger and put his hose system together between hockey periods. I watered plants, vacuumed main floor and put away the Costco.

B was out after 7:30 bringing a rice bowl to eat before she set out to feed her horses. She was back in to finish her meal and visit a bit before heading home before 9.

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