Thursday, May 12, 2022

Bison skull complete

Cooper always is awake early and excited when he stays at the ranch, today he was ready after 5 but I held him off till 6. Once he was out though he decided to bark at Mom's car which had Harley going so let her out then into kennel and back to bed. AJ called with a message for Mom to take Dad to lab for blood work so I turned off coffee pot and fed dogs as I awoke her.

She was up dressed and on her way with a go cup of coffee as I started laundry. S added toast to his lineup then I went and took Roo's mask off and he let out the cats into the sunshiney day. When we headed out for a hot tub it had clouded over a bit but still nice and around 12 out. The concrete neighbor stopped over to look at the shop area to quote as I made spinach fruit salads to go with left over chili for lunch.

Big brown called S for an after lunch nap as I caught up the blog and laundry. Once he was up we headed out to the shop where he put a hanger wire on the bison and I sprayed it with clear coat. While it dried he started to move machinery out of the shop as I continued laundry and finding craft supplies for the bison projects.

After our online meeting at 3 we got busy with the bison heads. The first one we decided not to put the rope on horns seeing it will be outdoors so went and hung it in place. The second one had another coat of paint and once dry we roped one of the horns. It's plan change from hanging downstairs to in the garage on a rustic wood back drop.

We came in to prep supper after 5:30 with Mom arriving soon after. She stayed and joined us for barbequed sausage supper with noodles. Mom packed up and headed for home at 7:30.

I fed the horses while S looped around with his gun looking for gophers in the golden hour sun. I tried putting Roo's mask on with no luck so left her and came in to finish folding laundry. Dave came out to watch the hockey with S and take Coop home for the night. He was talking to his uncle in Nova Scotia who paid $2.53/liter for gas today!!! The evening was very exciting with the OT game followed up by the Oilers win. Dave and Cooper headed home at 11:30 and we hit the hot tub for a soak before bed.

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