Friday, May 6, 2022

B learns to drive a race bike

It was a restless night for me, I awoke and had S&V chips at 1 am then woke quite a few more times. Lexi started snoring around 5 then wanted out as I text S at 5:45 about Flames loss. I let her out of the room only to have her retching so put on deck where she puked twice. This of course rustled the other 2 so I was out walking all 3 dogs at 6 am. It was nice out then. I also got a message I won 2 passes to the Etsy market this w/e but have no one to go with as all the girls are away.

All were put back in their beds and I listened to podcasts finally getting up to make coffee after 8 and throw Asher's soaking baseball pants in the wash again. I took the dogs all out again and let the cats out then came in for coffee with Mom. We visited and did a bit of computer work before she headed in to see Dad at 10. I had a phone meeting soon after that ended after B dropped Cooper off at 11. She took Beans out for a pee break quick while I finished up then she was off to her massage in the city.

check out this bossy Gretchen video

I worked on some marketing for a bit between taking the dogs out and refereeing play time. I took the 2 big dogs with me walking 2 green chairs to the gate in the blustery wind but 19 out. 

the motley pack

Back at the house I changed my mind and jumped in the car with Beans and met Mom, Dad, Amanda and the kids at the park for DQ lunch bought by Dad. THANKS!!

The kids entertained Beans while we ate and then all were off. I stopped and grabbed a plant for Mother's Day and delivered it to Mom at Dad's front desk then Beans and I headed home. Time to take all the dogs out yet again for a walk. I am getting my steps in today. B was back at 3 and got busy scooping poop int he paddocks and running it to the pit. Then she rode Roo and trimmed her feet. S had called this am to say he had arranged time off work to join the Kuhn's in Toronto at a ball game in June. I spent the next hour and half on the phone with Expedia trying to use my flight credit from the cancelled Victoria only to find they wanted me to pay $460 MORE on top of my $520 credit for flights that I can find our their website at a new price of $471!!!

Then I spent another hour on the phone with Marriot booking to try and get in the same hotel or near the others who are already booked. This is not going easily and frustrating after all the time I spent booking Victoria only to have it canceled and these fees going down the toilet. The flights we rebooked to go to Victoria June 7th will be lost too ;( But I guess first world problems they are not.

B came in from all her chores as I was eating the leftover beet salad from yesterday. She ordered burgers that Dave picked up on his way by arriving here before 7. They ate then she caught Beibs and he hauled over his race bike and tack and they hooked him up. Dave took him for a short spin then B manned the reins as they perused around the hay field with the digs happily jogging along. I fed the cats, walked Beans then jumped in the hot tub seeing the wind was down to a breeze.

Do you like dogs B? :)

Dave takes him for a spin

then B takes over the reins (video)

B and D finished up, untacked and loaded up taking Lexi with them after 8:30. I took Beans out again with me to put in chemicals, put the cats away and close up the tub before a shower and blog writing. It is now almost 10 and I am tuckered but will watch some QOTS and relax.

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