Saturday, April 23, 2022

House work day

I had a weird multiple wakings night and awoke with a headache at 7 not being able to get back to sleep, booo, so I played some brain games after letting H out and to her kennel. Time to make coffee as it is around zero out.

With my first coffee I created a Hometalk post for the cherry blossom wine case. Then I created one for the MCM sideboard. Then it was on to plant care; watering them all, finding a water catching pot for the new rubber plant in the new basket and moving Amanda's to a spot for the next few weeks.

The new rubber plant looks pretty in one of the new baskets. I think I may switch the larger one for the same size as the rubber plant. Paetz's 2 plants tower in the background with my little money tree mid photo. Isn't this the cutest little planter below?

Next up was my second workout from Shaina, whew! Have you tried a dead bug exercise? A quick run to let cats out for the day and feed them as well as a quick poop scoop. It is now almost 10 out so the snow is melting fast. Back inside it was vacuuming and floor washing from muddy dog prints.

Lunch was leftover steak meal and cheesecake from my bday ;) S was taking a lunch break and had me test the tub after adding more muriatic acid. I then found hoses and filled it up too as the water has gotten low again. So much more work to keep this tub running then I ever thought. While out I hung up front mats and swept the deck. Once the tub was filled I tested and it was almost perfect except chlorine. B and Coop arrived after 2 as I was putting hoses away.

The bee was even impressed with the test strip :)

She fed and dewormed the horses then she and I took the dogs for a walk around the perimeter. It was blustery on the prairie and brrr. We found another piece of cut wire on the ground and a broken bottom strand that I was able to temporarily get back on the post. My throat is feeling sore so bombed it with Vit C.

Can you see Roo right behind B?

Back at the house B headed to town leaving Cooper as she and Dave are heading into the city to celebrate her birthday supper. Last night Britt and Shaina both met friends for supper and ended up at the same restaurant!! Go figure a city that big and they had no idea each was going there. I did more poop scooping then came in to catch up on accounting and computer work. The afternoon has turned out so lovely as the wind let up and sun full force hitting 12 out. I cleaned the ash out of the fireplace hoping it will not be in use till the end of the year.

For supper I had a bowl of turkey soup after dividing the remaining into bowls and freezing but of course the dogs were fed first. Then it was time to book an accommodation for our first night in Victoria. I chose the Strathcona Hotel, hope it was a good pick. Laundry was up next and kitchen cleanup with the sun shining in. I walked out in the gorgeous golden hour with no wind to feed and put cats away. Shaina arrived home after 8, did a few things then she and I headed out to soak in the tub. It was a most beautiful night still at 11 with no wind. (again only downside was the melting feedlot stink) Harley had to get her ball tossed many times as usual.  I came in before 10 to shower while she soaked until 10 and poured in the chlorine I left there. She also went and closed it up then made popcorn as I recorded my giveaway entries to date... still very low.

Snapchat vintage pinup girl filter fun

tuckered pups

We headed down to her studio for movie night with popcorn and pop to watch Grease. Bonus facial steam took place as well. Britt stopped to get Cooper after 11 and on her way. We wrapped up our movie night by 12:30 then I listened to an Etsy podcast to bore me to sleep sucking on a vitamin C tab.

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