Sunday, April 24, 2022

Beauty weather

UGH, my throat was still sore when H wanted out at 2 so I ate a honey soaked garlic then I slept off and on till 6 when I was wide awake. I laid there willing it to be better then Shaina made coffee and delivered me a frothed milk coffee after 8:30. THANKS ;) She got busy at the island with work but did take kitties food and let them out. I chatted with Mom for about an hour catching up on things and her sore throat as well as texting B and Ma K to get theirs.

After feeding H I continued laundry I started yesterday and checked into vacation change options. It does not look good for the Flair flight but I am determined to get rid of this cold. Honey, oregano oil, hot tea with lemon and another pack of EmergenC. My body is getting achy but I do chalk some up to the workout yesterday. Shaina made us bacon and eggs scrambled with spinach, thanks again Dude!

A fellow wanted wood filler so we walked it to the gate in the beautiful wind free sunshiney 12 out. I checked hot tub and PH is high again and no chlorine, UGH! Back inside I soaked horse feed and did a bit of computer before we made a spinach salad for lunch.

We both along with Harley headed to town after 1 in separate vehicles meeting Britt, Dave and Cooper on their way in. They were here to change oil and put on summer tires. I headed to Sagewood fully masked and sanitized and brought Dad down to meet Shaina who brought us beverages from Tim's. Shaina walked Harley as we all did a 2000 + step walk along the town paths stopping for Dad to drink the hot coffee on some straw bales along the way. She put H back in car while I dropped Dad back on his floor after our hour walk in the glorious sunshine.

A quick stop to grab cough drops and syrup then home. Britt and Dave were finishing up with her car as she moved on to catching Roo and lunging her while Dave watched on. I added muriatic acid to the tub then foam away and let it run while I brushed H. They finished up and headed home. I decided to take a rapid test not clearly thinking to take it earlier and be dammed if it was not positive. BOOO now to look into more of the bookings which I found all accommodations etc had to have been cancelled 2 days ago. We would be out a bunch of cash so it looks like I better get this covid over and done by Wednesday am.

Shaina was back with groceries to go with the burger I took out and she made a delicious fettuccini supper. What a sweet girl, THANKS! I took a break from eating in my room to go soak in the hot tub seeing it was such a nice day and sweating it out may help. I have no fever, aches may be from my workout but the headache I had yesterday was returning. Inside after a half hour soak I showered and finished my yummy supper while watching new season of Selling Sunset. I cancelled the lady coming to look at dresser tomorrow morning ;( 

sad cause my test says positive but happy cause the day is so lovely and life is good!

Shaina put the cats away with their food for the night after having to physically wrangle them. They too did not want to go in yet. Shannon arrived for a tub soak before 8. She is a nurse on the covid unit in the city and said rest and fluids and I should be good for Wednesday especially if I have the omicron variant. I prepped more chemicals for them to add after their hot tub. I made a tea and back to bed to watch more Netflix. Shannon headed home after their soak around 9:30, Shaina was in and off to her room checking first to see if I needed anything, thanks sweet girl. I took a sleeping pill at midnight and off to sleep.


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