Monday, March 7, 2022

On hold kinda day

H was odd today not wanting out early even with S getting up for a pee but rather coming to say hi around 6:50 and just wanting to lay on floor by bed when I offered her outside. Eventually she did go to garage only to ask to come back in as I put the coffee on early. She did patiently wait till near 8:30 to be fed as we enjoyed a cup in bed. I got to work on marketing seeing I am behind while S let the cats out and checked wire measurements. The dresser was listed on the sale sites, fingers crossed.

I spent 45 minutes on hold with the bank to fix an error on their part, sheesh. Then it was time to be on hold with CRA who sent a letter saying my taxes were not paid but actually they were but just not showing in right account... double sheesh! S spent the morning searching for hot tub wire which seems to be quite elusive. Eventually after many calls he sourced some in the city. As he was heading to town for a doctors appointment taking the parcels along I was disconnected from my 40 minute CRA hold UGH and a storm blew in!! I continued on hold to CRA updating my Etsy/CM spreadsheets. I did eventually get thru after another lengthy hold and got my taxes straight and they are even sending me $$ back as I had overpaid.

S was back around 12:30 with Opa for lunch and a blood pressure monitor. After eating he had a nap while I applied the drawer liner to the dresser drawers. Once he awoke he helped carry dresser downstairs and we targeted going thru boxes of cables and cords. He also swapped out the newer now non working DVD player with our old one while I wiped down and organized the stuff we kept.

need cables anyone :)

The sideboard was carried in then S took the DVD player apart to try and repair while I prepped and cooked our taco supper. B joined us at the usual time and after feeding her horses had a couple tacos before heading home at 7:30. Sheldon tried out his new BP monitor then perused the internet before heading to TV room for Flames Vs Oilers game. I ordered the dog and cats food and some more supplements then jumped in the tub to soak.

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