Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Hot tub wire is sourced

H went out quick at 5:55 then to garage, it was -14 upon waking at 8. Coffee was needed for sure today with S making it as I fed H. It was an overcast grey day. S found his health benefits changed for the worst and spent the morning troubleshooting the cause with no luck. I got laundry going, did some tidying in the garage then let out cats after a light snow squall blew thru. I finished the tutorial for the tulip crate and published it, shared and sent as per usual.

For lunch I made a nice healthy salad and S added bison chili with his while we caught the news and folded laundry. S was off at 1 to make a trip to the wire store in Calgary before heading to the airport as the sun popped out. I got the last of the photos loaded for Sunday's blog and published however I totally forgot all our coyote hunting photos and videos from yesterday so be sure to go check them out. I ran to town a bit later to drop off a return parcel, have a dr appointment, grab a tea and pick up Cooper then the mail before getting back to the ranch. It is now around -5 out but at least sunny.

The dogs were in and out playing in the sun. I had a hour class before feeding dogs and taking raw food out to cats and locking them in for the night. Supper was leftovers from a very bare fridge. Seems I forgot to grab groceries, good thing I have Hello Fresh coming tomorrow.

B was out at 6:30 as I was finishing up grinding her flax seeds. She fed and blanketed the 2 horses while the dogs continued their play then was off for home at 7. I wrote a Hometalk post for the floral caddy, headed for a shower after 8 and crawled into bed to chat with S before watching some Wentworth.

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