Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Extreme cold warning again

BRRRRR -31 when I checked temperature during the night. They had forecast it to be an extreme cold warning over -40 with the wind chill overnight, poor animals. It was -27 when H was up at 7 but did not want to go outside but rather chose the garage. The bonus to the cold is a bright sunshiny day.

Time to get to work on creating a tutorial for the green succulent office desk tray with a hot coffee. Then it was the usual emailing and posting on sites as part of my paid "job". I got the photos uploaded for the pink wine case then moved on to downloading, editing and writing Dad's birthday blog post.

It was -23 around 11:30 when Harley's food was delivered and -17 at 1:30 so there is hope this crazy cold is leaving. I made a yummy spinach salad for lunch and worked on the bison soup for supper with Shaina. I was then off to let out the cats and work on the dresser scraping and sanding.

Then it was on to hemp oiling the sideboard, if this isn't the look I want I can stain in a couple weeks.

I then made up a kale salad and finished up the soup and let it simmer till Shaina arrived before 5:30. I pulled out Sadie and she pulled in the jeep. She had battery issues earlier with Nathan delivering her a new battery. She and I ate and visited before heading out to work on her jeep after she threw laundry in. B was out with Coop, fed the horses and left Coop while she was off to the Chinatown in the city for sushi with Dave. She had good news getting a bonus and raise today!!

I worked on the dresser while Shaina took her roof panels for light then the dash out. She ran the cats food and locked in while getting tools. The new stereo proved to be a bit of a challenge to install so she will leave till her friend is back in a week. We installed her new battery successfully at least. After putting roof panels back in, returning tools to shop and finishing up her laundry she was off before 9:30. The dogs and I headed to bed to watch some Netflix. B picked up Cooper at 10:30.

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