Tuesday, February 22, 2022

2-22-2022 !! and -22

My watch said - 28 when I let H out to pee at 6 am, I actually had to shoo her off the deck once she got out there. It had warmed to -24 when we woke. S ran out quick to plug in skid steer before turning on coffee. A cup was enjoyed in bed before showers got us prepped for the day. Did you realize today is 2-22-2022? 

S rolled a bale for the ponies to keep warm in this deep freeze before we headed to the city. We were off in two separate cars but S had to turn around to retrieve his power pack he had plugged back in after boosting car this am. We met at the World of Spas to meet a family friend who owns them. He showed us his favorite 1 in 2 sizes and made it very simple tossing in some extras too. We chatted about it over lunch at the restaurant down the street then back to sign the papers. We now have a Master Spa Twilight 8.25 coming in 5 weeks. Sheldon has a bit of work ahead prepping a gravel base and running power but it will be worth it.

I was now off to my dermatologist appointment with S heading to Princess Auto before making his way to the airport. My appointment to less time then finding a parking spot and the office. She says all moles are good and sent me on my way. Next was Costco where I finally had the luxury of wandering and looking at this rather then checking off a list. I am a great personal shopper and S has a pile of items to try when back home. I also scored some new plants. One I knew Shaina wanted but if she doesnt I will keep.

This gazebo might be in order ;)

-17 is not the best time to bring plants to a car but fingers crossed they all make it. I got every thing loaded up and headed east making it home just after 4:30. Harley was most happy to see me seeing it was her supper time. I fed her and soaked the horses feed before unloading the car.

spa goodies they tossed into the "deal"

It is so fabulous to see the sun shining at 6 pm as H and I headed out to take raw food and put J away. I found he had been legit complaining having been locked out of the shop. He was now inside with his heat lamp with Stella. H froze up on the way back. I was surprised when Britt and Cooper came down the road to feed with this increasing light. The dogs only went out for a short bit then back in but B got the horses fed in this back to -22 temps but the skies were amazing!

After they were off I got busy catching up the blog days I am still so far behind. Dog food ordered, cleaning day changed, I watched Inventing Anna and ate a late supper yogurt/fruit bowl as I worked before heading to bed after 9 to watch a bit more.

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