Monday, February 28, 2022

Where did Feb go?

Dang the sleep dilemma with H wanting out at 5 then to garage yet I awoke at 7 and this was with a sleeping pill at 1:30. I relaxed with a couple cookie jam brain games and a few fun Snapchat filters before jumping in the shower then out to feed H. Coffee was needed today.

the filters are fun

Look the tulips are blooming!

I found I was behind 3 months balancing bank accounts with settings changed to paperless oddly so got that done then published my cherry blossom wine case tutorial. This process takes awhile too along with editing, loading and getting the blog from yesterday done. It was a dreary overcast but above zero day with the sun coming out briefly when I let the cats out before noon.

A gal stopped to buy a bit. I ate the last of the garlicky shrimp but the cold roasted potatoes were yucky. Harley got them :) Another gal getting bison stopped at 2 then I got busy in the garage. The dresser drawer sides were stenciled a fun print and the drawer fronts another coat of satin clear.

The crate was dark waxed and while it dried I took H for a walk opening the winter pasture gate for them and closing the yard gate. Back inside I took the dreaded body photos for the Body Smart app.

Then the crate was brought in to stage

The kitties were put away with food, the dresser hauled in with B and Cooper arriving after at the usual 6:30. I was prepping the last HF meal; smart bbq pork chops.  She fed then we measured her to order her bridesmaid dress then she was off. I cooked up my supper eating late chatting with S who was doing his laundry.

I did a bit of blogging posting the last day of the vacation and all days up to are now caught up, finally!! I also tried to help B find the best flight to Nashville in May, wow pricey. She did find a 1 stop for $400 compared to direct at $1200. An episode of Wentworth followed by a relaxing sleep sound podcast wrapped up the last day of February.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Baby Beans overload

Out of the blue I woke at 5 and laid quiet till H started barking at something outside. I let her out to add her 2 cents then off to the garage and back to sleep for us both till after 7. The day is overcast but -1 to start. Kaylin sent video of Lexi and Beans this am, it is hilarious that she left his new toy but she warms up over the day. Prepare for some puppy cuteness overload.

Lex and Beans

I worked on catching up the blog... only 1 vacation day and 1 normal day to post, yeah me. Plant watering up next and sadly the monstera plant I scored for Shaina is not going to make it after the cold exposure. Cats were let out and the crate had more white dry brushed.

I loaded H and the insulated blanket in the truck and headed to town after 11 to pick up the cabinet. Luckily the lady had 2 sons to load it up for me. A stop at Walmart was next for a few things then I grabbed a Starbucks caramel cold brew. Mail was picked up and back to the ranch before 12:30. 

the lady says over 300 years old??

tulips survived and starting to flower!

The sun  finally broke thru before 1 as I was working on balancing the credit card bill. B and Cooper arrived just after and helped me unload the cabinet into the garage, THANKS B! She was then off to feed horses. After feeding she took Roo and KD inside to trim (KD's backs today) I ate a late lunch of kale salad and headed out to help her with KD's back left foot. I then drug the wheelbarrow around to scoop poop. It is PLUS 8 out and melting like crazy again. After she finished up they headed home. Kaylin sent a photo shoot of Lexi and Beans and OMG.. adorable!!

watch this video, awe!!

The dresser had another satin clear coat brushed on the wood as did the crate. Photos and blog work next before a bowl of bison soup. I packaged up the rest to freeze and washed up slow cooker. Yoga was enjoyed with the sunsetting in the big bedroom window. Then a bit more computer work and into bed to relax watching all the Body Smart videos in the startup module while the chinook winds continued to howl. Some measurements needed to be retaken but I got it all done. I was listening to a podcast when I turned out the lights at 10:30 only to wake at 11, eat a couple pizzelles as now wide awake again. I listened to podcasts till after 1:30 ;(

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Hello Body Smart and Beans

H was antsy at 5 coming in and out of the room and finally wanting out again at 6. She was impatient in her kennel then too till I let her out at 7:30 and finally fed her at usual 8:30. I need to adjust her clock ;) I made coffee and did some computer work in the sunshine -9 start to the day. Then it was out to work on the projects. The dresser was lightly sanded and the wood areas flat clear coated and the lower edge gold detailed.

I gave Harley a piece of frozen esophagus which she finished off in 20 minutes. She had a pesky magpie trying to snitch it too. 

I started a new project; a wooden tulip crate staining it dark brown.

The sideboard had the hardware put back in place and drawers set in. Now to get it inside to stage, if only Shaina still lived here :). 

Nathan messaged he was going to pick up baby Beans today so had some raw food questions. SO exciting

Another coat of clear poly was brushed on this time a satin finish.

Lunch was the other portion of the clementine chicken salad, yum yum. I filled out the Body Smart info while eating and arranging workout plans with Sharon. B and Coop arrived before 1:30 to feed. I bundled up, let the cats out I had forgot then went to catch Switch and do her feet. I was sweating in short order as the temperature was around zero now with all melting and so sunny. B brought in KD too then she brushed outside. I hauled the wheelbarrow and 2 winter blankets back and threw one in the wash and dumped the deck compost bucket. I finagled Kaylin's vacuum out of the cargo trailer for B to borrow. She filled mineral tub while I took the dogs for a walk as so nice and up to PLUS 6 now. Her and Coop were off for home at 3:30.

I caught up the blog, chatted with S a bit about the hot tub placement then fed H. While she ate I dry brushed white over the crate. Kaylin facetimed with the puppy once she was home from work and he is so dang adorable. Time to learn about Body Smart App - this is the company Shaina works for and I am a dummy client for a new coach in training. Looks like I will be learning and achieving some new fitness goals.

I cooked a Hello Fresh meal while finishing the last episode of Inventing Anna and finished it after cleaning everything up. It was garlicky shrimp. Yep another salad but I am drawn to ordering them as I never seem to have salad fixings on hand. This one had roasted potatoes in in and toasted walnuts but it was just ok.

Time to get the blog caught up when I heard Jay outside after 7, oops. H and I went and put them away with raw food of course and it was plus 1 but blustery out. A quick search of less windy places for the hot tub did not reveal an answer. A friend messaged me about a cabinet and after a call to the lady I am going to look at one tomorrow. Kaylin sent a video of Lexi meeting Beans after spending the day with Shaina. Her reaction was most aloof lol But we know she will come around to liking him, fingers crossed.

first meet video

I jumped in the shower before crawling into bed to look for a show to watch. I chose Wentworth then listened to a few podcasts

Friday, February 25, 2022

Super sunny day

H wanted out to bark at something at 1 then to the garage, I woke early again at 7:30 I think because it is so light out now. Today was bright and sunny and continuing to warm starting at -10. With a coffee after feeding H I did a bit of computer posting then out to let cats out in the sunshine and grab some tack a guy wants. It was cleaned up and a bag of bison was hauled in and onto the deck for a fellow to pick up after 10.

The dresser was painted a white coat and the sideboard a 3rd coat of hemp oil. B has plans tonight so asked me to feed. H and I went out to do so and play some ball while waiting for them to eat. Lunch was another yummy spinach salad. Time to get a Hometalk post done for the floral record cabinet. I make passive income from these posts so if you happen to pop by and check them out it counts as a view.

Back to the garage to buff the sideboard, remove staples from the back and replace with new nails as well as inside. It was such a beautiful sunny day and now -5, H and I took the tack bag to hang at the gate. Once back I remembered another item so went back and exchanged. She and I played some ball after retrieving from pasture then scooped more poop. All buckets are full, need to get wheelbarrow from the arena.

this photo shows the minute scratches on the nightstand, if only I knew a painter ;)

The dresser had a second coat painted on then the hardware had more stripper applied and the last of the pink scrubbed off. The sideboard hardware was polished up too. Inside I worked on the pink wine case tutorial noticing it was -1 at 4:30. I cooked up the first HF meal; clementine chicken salad. It was so good and will definitely make again. 

H and I took raw food to put cats to bed after 6 with Britt and Coop stopping awhile after. She was off for supper with girlfriends leaving Coop to stay here till later. I continued working on the tutorial and blog posts with my iPad at my side working on the last few Inventing Anna episodes. Another vacation day post - Feb 1 I completed the other night went live.

these sunsets make my days

B picked up Coop at 10 and I almost finished Inventing Anna but shut off saving last hour till tomorrow. Crazy it is based on a true story of hustling a system/society.