Saturday, January 8, 2022

Worst smelling garage ever

Sheldon was up to pee after 6 which awoke me and I smelled a terrible smell; like Sulphur/sewer. He could not right away but after we looked all over and went to laundry it was strongest. Opening the garage door we were hit with the RANK smell. It seems his battery he was charging since yesterday afternoon was venting the worlds worst smell. Opening the doors in -26 for a cross draft did not help much, eventually he pushed it out the door. Good thing for his pee and my super sensitive nose! He headed back to bed but the smell lingered thru the night. In hindsight when I was putting the second coat of primer on I said to Shaina I hear bubbling water!! Poor kitties, I could not even put them outside to avoid the stench. I let Harley out to do her business then after drying kennel for a bit I brought her into the bedroom where the door was kept closed to help keep smell out.

I held her off breakfast till almost 9:30, the smell still very strong in the garage. I made coffee and retreated to bedroom. S was up around 10 and went out to open doors more and try and air out as apparently this is NOT supposed to be breathed in. I worked on marketing while S tossed boxes in trailer and set coats out to freshen in the cold air. I revived the sourdough starter.

Lunch was leftovers, now -21. Shaina was picked up and off to a baby shower for one of her good friends then S and I drove to Gleichen to watch Asher play hockey. It was a good game that ended with them getting the winning goal in the last 12 seconds. B was out while we were gone to feed horses. Shaina and Shannon were back home visiting just before we were after 4:30. Both girls had called saying the house smelt terrible so first order of business was to get diffusers going, windows open and the garage aired out for a short bit.

 Ada opened her Xmas gift from Kaylin

Sheldon ran the truck and trailer to town to fill with fuel. I trekked out to see if Stella had gone back to barn like she did last time garage door open but she was not there. Coming thru the back garage door I smelled the terrible smell in full force. The charger was sitting in the doorway and smelling it confirmed another culprit so threw it outside and lit incense in garage. The arrangements for moving tomorrow are causing stress for many but hope that in 24 hours all is good. S was back with the truck/trailer ready to go. The sourdough pizza was made and put in fridge for later in week.

I cooked sausage and macaroni but the sausage is no longer a favorite having gotten freezer burnt. I tossed one ring tonight and think the remaining 20 pounds needs to go too. :( after a family visit both S were off to the basement while I chatted with a customer about the nightstands but in the end she passed. I think I just have to paint the second one to show how they would "match" yet different. I headed to bed at 9 to watch some more Queer eye and finish the season. I started a new series but don't think I will continue; British drama is different :)

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