Friday, January 7, 2022

Cold snap continues

Is the weather going to warm up? Well it seems like maybe seeing it is -23 upon waking. Shaina was making tea at 7:45 as S was off to the bathroom then back to sleep. Harley went out quick for a pee and into the kennel. I played some brain games before a shower and feeding her at 9. Marketing was up next until S woke and made coffee and into big brown. I called Dad for a visit and not long after Ma K called with sad news about a young family friend. 

Sheldon went out before lunch to start truck and take trash to dump and pickup mail. Once back he pan fried some dumplings while I finished up marketing. I delivered Shaina her dish as she was in a meeting. The sun now was out but a chilly -22 still with a wind. I tidied garage and got the boxes ready to be loaded for moving this w/e.

After lunch it was time to get a new project on the go; the little cabinet I just picked up. I scrubbed it up, did some repairs, sanding and bondo work. S hooked up the cargo trailer then inside garage helped with vacuuming step rug and kitty litter care. Then he was off to the couch to surf the net and once bondo was dry I sanded it and painted a coat of primer one all. The clouds were back and the wind picked up making the day turn miserable.

Shaina was off to the gym at 4 as I was painting then I came in to catch up my spreadsheet. S had moved to the TV room at 4:30 to get ready again for a 5 pm Flames game so I took him the last rum and eggnog. I made a paralyzer and prepped veggies for supper. I got it ready and S and I ate after 6. Britt and Cooper were out as we were eating but went to feed first. S hustled back down to his game. Shaina was back from the gym and errands and both of them ate too while I washed up the pots and pans.

I forgot to share this funny video from the other night of Cooper trying on his new winter boots

A short visit and Britt was off for home before 8. After helping Shaina glue her shoe I put a second coat of primer on the cabinet, updated a bunch of ads and headed to bed to watch some Netflix before 10. Wind let up a bit but cold with another extreme cold warning over night.

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