Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Cleaning day

Harley was my alarm clock at 8 to get on with the day. I let her in from garage but she was not a fan of heading out at -22!! She watched as I finished the last tidying of things, dressed and gathered my stuff for the day in the garage. The cleaning gal arrived just before 9 and got busy. I put on Christmas carols, went to garage, fed H and started the garage laundry that ran all day.

First project was moving everything around to get access to the washstand that is being picked up later this am. I hauled out the little cabinet to scrub up next including the glass top.

Next up was the dark stained magazine rack to be scrubbed. All were left to dry and I bundled up to go feed the horses just at the fellow called to pick up the washstand. He and I loaded it in his truck after he requested yet a lower price and seeing he was here and I had moved everything I agreed.

By now the horses were back out at the bale or at least Pepper was so H and I went and fed the cats and opened their door to get some sunshine if they wanted. Back at the garage laundry was swapped and I ran in to grab a bologna sandwich for lunch.

The magazine rack was painted a soft greeny blue after taking it all apart. This makes it easier I think in the long run.

Then I moved on to the cabinet. Lots of sanding hand and power to get things smooth. The inside, back and drawer were all rehydrated with the butta after sanding and cleaning. This little cutie is old and needs lots of care and attention. The cleaning gal was finished at 1:45 and on her way leaving a nice tidy house. I put the kennel back up with fresh bedding and threw more laundry in both washers.

At 3 the horses were back in so H and I went out to feed them, check blankets, give others some apples and of course play ball while doing this. I fed and locked up the kitties again too. I noticed Bird's blanket had a rip but no phone on me to document but once I was back in and told B she wanted a photo. We bundled up again and went out to get her photos which also gave H a bit more exercise on such a brrr -16 type day.

Time to come inside and get the blog caught up. Of course I headed back out to feed H her supper she has patiently been waiting for all day :) I heated a bowl of soup for supper to eat while working on the blog and watching more Goliath. B and Cooper arrived at usual time but seeing I had fed horses she ate a bowl of soup while Coop did his thing and they were off before 7. After finishing computer photo sorting I headed to bed to finish season 1 of Goliath and start season 2.

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