Friday, December 17, 2021

Bitter -25 day

There was a HUGE full moon that shone in brightly at 6. Harley was not feeling well with a tummy ache around 6:30 so I got up to take her to the garage and it was -25. The horses were moving around the shelters probably keeping warm. I perused IG and played some brain games not being able to sleep then jumped in the shower. H got an earlier breakfast hoping to get her tummy back on track.

I made a cappuccino then go to marketing. The magazine rack was brought in with some additional layers thought of but Amanda agreed to keep just the simple stencil look. I staged it for posting later today.

A customer messaged wanting the last growth ruler so I arranged to meet them in town. It got a quick sanding and loaded up and I was off. I made it just on the highway when I remembered I left my list on my work table while sanding so back I went. I must have my list as it has my stops, numbers and the order they go in for an efficient trip around town (with the most right turns and no back tracking of course).

First stop was to get groceries but I did leave without a turkey as they had none, next was a rum restock quick them to meet the ruler buyer. He was late so I grabbed an Opa and ate it in the car while waiting at the meet spot. Finishing just in time he arrived loaded it up and was off. It has been a good sales week. It is only -19 but sunny out so a few stops were skipped until warmer but the town was abuzz with shoppers everywhere.

Next I got a drive thru chai tea free on points :) Cooper and his food was picked up next, a couple gift stops then the last stop to get a black Friday parcel that finally arrived. The last stop was the mail and back to the ranch by 2. I put the dogs coats on, put freezer items away, finished the horse feed and went to feed them seeing they were still at the shelter.

watch this video trio.. of course when I finally get the camera out they stop the play

or fall down

or stop with a frozen foot :)

The cats were fed and checked then back inside with dogs to finish putting all away. Time to get back to the cabinet seeing it was now 24 hours later. A coat of white paint was put on. Hearing a vehicle we found Shaina back home after 3 and off to her office.

I moved on to computer work taking a break to feed the dogs and a bowl of salad. Shaina got dressed up and was off back to the city before 7 to take in a Roughnecks' game and spend the night at Shannon's. I wrote a tutorial for the dried oranges finally after taking a few photos.

After working on more tutorials with my iPad I once again moved to the warm cozy bed to finish season 2 of Goliath (yep it is an odd one) and moved to season 3.

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