Monday, November 22, 2021

The trap caught a critter!!

I had a headache that plagued me all day yesterday even with pills and when the hurricane winds awoke me at 6:20 today it was still there. H had wanted out at 3 am then was in the garage until she scratched at almost 8 again right on her schedule but not mine LOL. I turned coffee pot on and let her out to go then breakfast at her normal 8:45 my time schedule. S fixed the coffee cups for the morning brew and let kitties out. The wind had let up which was a good thing. Time to package up the Etsy sale bowl to mail off today and get the high chair tutorial live and shared to all the sites.

After marketing I got busy painting the latest accent table acquisition. I chose a deep green as per Kaylin's suggestion. It looks lovely on this cute little piece. 

Sheldon noticed his trap was tripped so went to check it and low and behold he caught a .... skunk. He did come back to get his gun but his roommates hoped he did a release which he did attempt but when I came in from painting all I could smell was skunk as he sat on his stool at the island. Seems the skunk did spray a little goodbye cologne but he thought it was no where near him, wrong. I had him strip and washed his clothes immediately and he had to clean the stool and put it on the deck to air out and head to the shower.

Now he was ready for lunch. I had made tuna sandwiches with fresh guacamole and chips on the side with a cold kombucha. Shaina joined us for a bit then back to work. He was then off for a nap and I to work on the table.

After dark waxing the table I asked my roommates if they wanted to go for a ricer walk seeing the day was so nice out at plus 13 and tomorrow the high is to be -1!! They agreed but one took a bit of time to get in the truck, no names but it was an S :) Harley was loaded and waiting ahead of everyone while I scooped all the poop piles she accumulated today on the driveway; 4 to be exact. Once we got loaded it did not take long to get to the river campground. We did almost 4 kms in an hour.

loads of geese were on the river

and wow the beavers have been busy, we looked up to see a bald eagle too, quite a nature reserve today

Back to the ranch just after 4 Shaina did a few things before heading to town taking my parcel on the way to her 5 pm massage. I mixed up the food and fed the horses in the golden hour sunshine. S came out as I was shutting the gate for Shaina and feeding Harley, he locked up the kitties and brought the Christmas tree over. Shaina ordered Hello Fresh this week that was delivered after 5, just in time for supper as nothing was planned.

I cooked up the TexMex casserole and it was finished just in time for Britt to arrived after 6 with Shaina pulling in soon after bringing us teas! Thanks Dude xoxo Everyone enjoyed it and I found out I like the taste of orange peppers in a casserole. Shaina was then off to work, B to the couch to nap and Sheldon kindly washed up the pots while I caught up the blog for today. He was then off to TV room. B woke and was off for home before 8. I created a hometalk post for Steph's wedding box then off to bed to watch my iPad while S had moved there as well to continue sports.

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