Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Accent table staged

Do-over day with dog out at 2 then to garage and repeat morning cue the coffee after feeding her breakfast as S let out the cats. S was off to town after 9 to try and find oil and a tire then see his dr at 10. I boxed up the bread box to send with Mom back to Oyen this weekend then staged the new table to sell.

I jumped in the shower then completed a paint module while my hair dried. S was back with teas for little S and I after 11. Bran was ground up for Britt's horse feeding regime and leftovers for lunch. I repaired 3 of my gel nail polishes, of course on the awkward hand.

After a couch rest S rolled out a bale for the horses; first one of the season. I was painting the desk legs when he left and washing them off when he got back. I did not care for the solid look. Not long after I had it all washed off the horses came for water so I mixed up the food and took out. Pepper has been off and on eating and not wanting his Cushing's pill so may have to get a new plan.

Back inside it was computer work for me and rest for the Prince. Later we put the Christmas tree up which takes 3 minutes and that includes getting out of a box. The box was taken back to the mez putting kitties away. S gave H a bath as I prepped supper HF meal #2: porkchops. Shaina came up to join us for supper at 6 then was back to work. B and Coop were out around 7 as S headed to the TV hockey room. B left after 7:30 with me loading the corkboard up for her to have buyer pickup at her work, THANKS B! I wrote a Hometalk post for the cacti lazy susan after she was off then did another paint module.

Shaina popped up to wash pots up and eat ice cream, S was us to get a bowl of ice cream too. The day was overcast and gloomy and pretty chilly hitting a high of 4 which dropped mid afternoon quickly to -6. It was snowing softly with a light dusting of snow on the ground as I headed to bed before 10 to watch Mrs Maisel, I'm almost done the series.

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