Sunday, September 12, 2021

Smore campfire

I woke at Harley's usual time to go out 6:30 but of course no Harley, I managed to lay there until around 8 when I pulled out my ipad and played a few games. When AJ woke around 9 we headed up for coffee for me and cereal for her followed soon by Kaylin for coffee and eventually Shaina. Candace stopped too. Of course we were offered a wide variety of items before we headed to see Dad after 10.

The weather was not raining but for sure cool and overcast around 13. Dad was having a rough day when we got there not having slept well. We did get him to the far living room where he received his foot rubs while napping. He even slept thru lunch but we did get him to his room and left him to nap more while we went back for brunch. Candace and Reese joined us for yet another scrumptious meal, thanks Grama P.

We all headed back  after 1 to find Dad awake but agitated along with many other of the residents. He and I did allot of walking inside and out but again headed back in for a nap. Us girls sat in the gazebo while he napped visiting with the 2 C cottage folks again. The nurse called to say he was up and this time he felt better. He even at his lunch while we sat with him at the dining table which had a few residents worried they were late for supper. Back in his room he rested in the chair while we talked then had him lay down after 4 and we said our goodbyes as fell back asleep.

Back at Grama and Papas we had yet another delicious meal; roast pork followed by smores on the lower deck to try our Papa's new firepit. The takers said they were yummy. We then packed up before 7 and headed out routing thru Red Cliff to get fuel and Tims then headed west. There was some lightening north of town as we pulled into the ranch just after 9. Amanda was off first followed closely by Kaylin. I got Harleys food out for tomorrow then hit the tub to soak and catch Mom up on the day. Shaina ran her tub as I was getting out and crawling into bed to watch Netflix. Just after 10:30 the rain started to come down for about a half hour. 

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