Monday, September 13, 2021

Beauty fall day & Roo lame

The sun was up and shining when I let H out and fed her. I made a cappuccino though as it is brisk out. I have lots of catch up computer work to do as well as send out an new email to update the subscribers who are still unsubscribing steadily. I also included them in the giveaway which is getting good  response. I got laundry underway and other boring chores.

Shaina made a cap too then was off to town before 11 to train Sharon and work out. She locked in the horses on her way out.

this ruler was one of the originals now to be sold

Before noon I took soft food and water to cats, checked far rain gauge showing 1/2" rain over the weekend then hauled in tubs to start putting back in the "store" and take more pictures of the jars to get posted on Etsy. Other ads on the sale sites were updated with sale prices hoping to move some items after the 1 sale market.

Eggs were delivered after 1 having been a long time since last delivery without the egg eating Shaina at home nor Harley getting her eggs due to poultry allergy.

I continued writing up sales ads on Etsy, Kijiji, Varagesale and Facebook. Looking out the window I saw Roo was limping. I sent a couple videos to B and went to check her but cant diagnose what might be the ailment, this will require the professional. While out I scooped loads of poop from around the yard, wow there was allot over the w/e! It was beautiful out sunny and only 19 but felt warmer with no wind.

limpy Roo but look how green it is!

Roo video

Shaina was back before 2 and off to her office. I continued marketing, housework folding laundry at the start of Ellen's new and final season however I lost interest soon. Time to make and bottle kombucha while cooking up supper. Todays flavor is mango berry. H had fresh veggies blended up to add to her supper too.

Shaina and I were eating our supper when B arrived to start checking out and doctoring Roo. She soaked and poulticed and wrapped after much inspection. Shaina and I took the dogs and cats for a walk where Coop & H found a partial deer leg. H was so proud to haul it home and chow down the hoof portion while Coop anxiously looked on. Back at the house before 8 as the sun was setting and temps dropping, S cleaned out her dirty recycling container then headed down to work. B was still working on Roo now having moved her inside the barn to stall her for the night.

I was working on the blog when Dave arrived at 8:45 to help Britt. I went out to check as they were finishing up. Inside I cooked up a pan of fresh zucchini and spinach to go with the meat sauce. Shaina was making popcorn. Dave was a big fan of my double chocolate muffins, yay! They headed home before 10:30 and Shaina was off to soak in the tub. I got back to the blog while watching The Circle waiting for Sheldon to get home. He arrived at the usual 11, chowed down his saved supper and off to bed.

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