Saturday, September 18, 2021

Coffee table almost complete

The WIND continues to blow, ugh. H is getting later with the shortening days heading out at 7:30 then to the garage. Coffee in bed to get going then off to feed her and get marketing.

The coffee table was up next for me, time to sand the raised top and finish painting it and a second coat on the base. The drawers were power sanded now the filler was dry and painted too.

 The second color was blended in.

S headed out to power wash the house even in the hurricane winds. It is warm out at 22 but oh so smoky! I put some minute steak on to simmer all afternoon in hopes of making it tender. We both had a late lunch of chips and guacamole with a beer. S hit the couch to watch baseball, I got back to my coffee table. The top was wiped and painted, blending continued then dry brushed highlights. 

see how the dry brushing changes it? above right drawer is not done to show difference.

Clear wax was sprayed on and some "dirt" added but not a fan so switched to my brown wax next. The top was clear coated to seal it up better for durability.

Britt and Cooper arrived just before 4 as I was washing up brushes. She went to doctor Roo in the now 23 degree warm wind storm. I finished up the simmering meat sauce and cooked noodles and we ate by 5 having had a light lunch. I then made blueberry kombucha and water kefir followed by new batches of each.

B rode Bird and took the food out I made to feed them before she headed home at 7. I was in the garage putting another coat of clear on the table top. I had S come out and drill holes for the new knobs and got them put on, LOVE them. He was back to his TV viewing.

Back to updating the blog with my iPad by my side. Auntie Mindy tested positive for covid, yikes! I started a new Netflix series called Motel Makeover and watched half the season before shutting out the light. The wind roared all day but finally let up after midnight. Harley alerted me to something so went out on the deck to find the wind gone and only the kitties but all were looking north so I assume something was out there.

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