Friday, August 20, 2021

Another cool fall like day

I thought I was sleepy after 11 and shut off my iPad only to then lay there for hours, I tried watching more Blindpsot before 2 but no luck so at 3 I took a sleeping pill. This seems to make the next day feel odd but H still wanted out at her usual 7, then called to garage but she was back to ask to come inside until I got up to feed her. Today Sheldon made coffee which he has been free of for a few weeks. He brought one in bed to catch up with my trip. Harley thought she too must join in.

this smells like Cooper guys!

What if I just lay quiet guys?

You wont even notice me ;)

Once up and at it I caught up on emails and messages and getting posts up as well as putting the antique dresser tutorial I finished earlier this week live. Adding them to link up parties and other marketing was next while S went out to organize his shop side. Harley went along and got in her back seat of the truck and slept listening to music. I took steak out for supper and finally was able to make the fresh cherry blueberry cobbler I had prepped fruit for. We had it after the last of the chili for lunch. Having no ice cream S adapted by putting an ice cream sandwich on it.

B out on her exercise loop, see how green after the rain?

B was out as we were enjoying our dessert to soak her food. She then caught Pepper and took the herd and dogs for a loop around the field for exercise then put them in the septic pen to graze while she worked liberty with Roo. S went out to look for rails to replace the broke ones then chatted to someone on the deck for an hour. I chatted with mom about TV issues after Dad's TV broke in the night. I boxed up the jewelry box and got the label created. Britt took it to town to drop at post office at 3:30 when she headed home, THANKS B! The growth ruler name I had Amanda print turned out too small so will need to figure a new plan.

This is GG Kuhn's knocker Sheldon installed on the barn door yesterday

The sun popped out mid afternoon making for a nice day after overcast and cool. It hit 21 which is lovely weather. Tonight I had to sort out the new mix and match food for H, no more easy patties :) S and I cooked up a yummy steak supper. I had dung fresh potato's from my garden, sliced zucchini from my garden, the last of the farmers market beets and made a coleslaw too. YUMMY!

excuse me, are there any leftovers for me?

After supper S putzed around the shop area while I continued my marketing and TV dilemma at the Good Sam's. Poor Dad was so frustrated with the broken TV but Mom managed to source a replacement for $50 which took awhile to get set up due to not knowing where cables went. By supper it was resolved and all set up to watch news after supper but going forward the TV is best if taken out during the nights sadly. So many big changes for him and everyone else too.

Sheldon was off to TV room to watch football for the evening after putting cats in barn as I continued to catch up on computer work before my usual Netflix time.

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