Thursday, April 1, 2021

No April fools here!

I let H out at 6:15 then back in kennel till 8 when I took her out to feed breakfast and get coffee going. S had a crappy sleep which caused for a sluggish day ahead. He did have some coffee and go let cats out. He is wavering on these harrows he bought but did hook up dump trailer to possible get then back to the couch to peruse the net. Shaina had a quick breakfast then onto her day of client calls. Our new trash can arrived via courier. I threw a roast in the crock pot then spent the morning in the garage rearranging, tidying and prepping for custom work coming in. I laid out a pile of vintage pulls I have collected to post for free then packed all away. I also searched out spay costs for the kitties which range from $220-$294 (our usual vet;(

For lunch it was left overs and a created turkey wrap. Shaina popped up to eat then back to work. The morning started out sunny and blustery but the winds picked up around noon and temps reached plus 17. S had a nap after lunch and up at 2 to unhook the dump trailer. I had a good customer drop off a custom paint piece then too. It is an old ironing board of her husbands great grandmother. They are having me make it over to use as an entry way table in their new home. We chatted on colors deciding in the end on a natural stained top and white milk painted base. But after she left and I was looking thru my colors I thought of a brown milk paint stain on the bottom as an option.

I came in work on the blog and have a refreshment. S was back inside and on a one hour consult call. I headed back out and scrubbed up the ironing board leaving it to dry well and await the color decision.

Step one remove the little hand forged nails all around that held the cover on.

The grandma wrote on the underside but then said date was off, it was way older then the 30's.

Let the cleaning begin.

I also cleaned up this case to do with the remaining "stucco" 

S and I took the animals for a walk after 4 in the still hurricane winds. The lime incident guys stopped out to meet Sheldon in person and see if we had any questions as were were getting back. S made us a drinks while I prepped veggies and had supper ready for just after 6. It was so delicious. What a yummy beef we got from the Wagstaff's. After supper S did some work on his tax spreadsheet then napped on the couch for an hour. I bet him he might not sleep tonight LOL Shaina went and fed Bird the food B had me make up seeing she had other supper plans. Shaina was then off to her "office" while I watched some home improvement shows. S moved from couch to bed. H and I went and scooped poop then put the kitties to bed and fed soft food. The sun was just setting before 8:30 which is nice and signals longer days to come. And the wind was down to a breeze :)

I got ready for bed and crawled in with ear buds to watch iPad to let the sleeping fellow sleep after 9. I heard Shaina up for a snack of course then listened to a sleep podcast and fell asleep before 10!!!

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