Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Kaylin announces new business venture

Broken sleep thanks to S's early morning bathroom break around 5:30 and Shaina prepping a cap for her early meeting then H thinking it was morning. She went out after 6 but paced around hoping to eat. I finally put her in the garage before 7. Britt dropped off Cooper just after 8 with his lunch kit of raw food and snack for day care as well as a chai tea! THANKS! S made coffee when I was feeding H her breakfast at 8:30. I tossed out frozen venison for a search too then let Cooper out to join in. They love this game.

Shaina made another cap then back to her day. S enjoyed his coffee on the deck with the pack after letting the kitties out. The horses were lounging out front too. The entire pack are loving the sunshine with a little wind. Shower time and on with the day.

The news is finally out about Kaylin's new business purchase. We are very proud of you K and wish you all the best in this new chapter of your life. XOXO Be sure to follow and like her business page on Facebook, Instagram and website. All small businesses need as much support in this vast social media world. Sharing, liking and commenting on all platforms really helps.

S went out to fix the poor north light on the barn that continues to get pummeled in the high winds we get. I published the nightstand tutorial and shared it accordingly. 

I then moved on to the jumbo comforter I want to cut into quarters. So funny when I laid it out Harley came in and had to lay on it :)

The kids came in for rest and snack time

I hauled up the sewing machine and serger and prepped to do it. Shaina took her lunch break at 1 and cooked us her egg muffin specialty, yummy THANKS!

After a bit of a shaky start (been many years since I serged) I got 3 done up fairly quick. Then the wheels fell off the bus with a broken thread and tension and for a couple hours I cussed at it. Shaina was odd to get her hair done around 3. Sheldon headed to town around 4:30 to meet the new tenants at 5 which was my lucky hour when the machine finally worked and I could finish the 4th quilt. 

Bully also got a repair, I took out some stuffing, serged the legs closed, put the pants back on and sewed across waist and legs to be more durable.

all 4 finally complete 

S was back by 5:30 as I was feeding the dogs their supper. He and I prepped steak and veggies for supper. B arrived at 6 in time to join us for this yummy meal.

B fed her horse, put the kitties away and was off for home around 7:30. S hit the couch with hockey while I washed up the pots and pans then worked on the blog. We both headed to bed around 9 as Flames game was cancelled due to covid. We started a documentary called Seaspiracy but shut off after an hour as dozy.

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