Thursday, February 25, 2021

Wrong lenses again

What a beautiful sunrise again today while letting H out after 7. The fresh snow makes it even prettier. H and I let the kitties out after 8 today to enjoy the sunshine. Last night at 3:30 am there was a howling coyote basically right in the yard, glad we lock them up! The howling did not wake H though LOL

A bit of marketing with a hot cap or tow then it was onto stenciling the pink jewelry box. I went with a gold and of course after I washed up brush and stencil and sanded it a bit I redid some spots LOL 

Harley was given a chew stick and I was off to town after 12 to drop my glasses for the new lenses and check the wall for a different frame at 12:30. After trying on a few more I stuck with my original choice left them and off to another rental property viewing. It was a ten minute wait and half hour tour. This has potential; it is the opposite side of one we looked at last year and liked. Boss will have to have a look once home.

Next stop was dollar store for supplies but ended up only getting some fun long sleeved rubber gloves for furniture scrubbing. It was then another 15 minute wait for a lady buying my older cell phone with a low ball offer. When she finally arrived it took another half hour as she wanted to put her SIM card in and test it but you have to set up your iPhone first. This required me creating a hotspot off my phone and entering all her data etc but eventually she trusted it was a legit phone. It was for her 82 year old husband so I did not mind helping her feel legit. A quick trip into Walmart for cup hooks for my jewelry box project then grabbing a very late lunch of a tea and Boston cream just before 3. Don't tell Shaina but I don't think my day has had much protein yet with only 2 cappuccinos and a slice of banana bread so far.

Picking up Cooper was next order of business seeing it was above zero and so sunny they may as well have a play date for rest of the day. I grabbed my glasses on the way south, tossed the stinky trash bag and picked up the mail then home. A financial lady needed info on the way so called once home and stuff brought in and dogs set off to play. I put on my glasses to read paperwork for her only to find the prescription does not seem to work for me as blind as a bat. GUHHH

I grabbed my old glasses and added gold gilding wax to the jewelry box, drilled pilot holes and installed the cup hooks. I finished the last of the trout and veggies for supper then worked on marketing. Britt did not arrive to get Cooper till 7, she kindly put the cats away and was off for home soon after. I wrote today's tutorial, washed brushes, put away products then headed to bed to watch Sneaky Pete as the wind picked up yet again.

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