Thursday, February 25, 2021

Cooper play day

H wanted out around 12:30 but then I could not go back to sleep so watched an episode of Sneaky Pete shutting off at 2 am. The wind was howling when I awoke at 7 with an actual wind warning. H wanted to be pet and eat before going out in the zero degree wind. I drank my morning bevies then we went and let the kitties out. A few more jewelry box photos were staged.

I loaded up Harley and was off to town for my 11 am appointment with the eye glasses manager. It seems one lenses was tilted causing the distortion but the actual lens were room distance not desk as requested. They are ordering yet another set of lens assuring me they will be correct this time and I will like them better then single vision. Next stop to pick up Cooper, turn off TV and close bedroom door. In doing so I found he pooped on the floor so had to clean that up before loading him in the truck with Harley.

I looped thru Tim's to grab a tea and we jetted home back in an hour of leaving. The highway was terrible with blowing snow and slush. The dogs were off playing as the sun came out after 12 and hit a high of 4. I worked on marketing with my tea getting new ads posted and the dresser shared on some link up parties. I had Harley come in for a nap around 1 but Cooper wanted to stay out. I saw him run by tossing one of the garden gloves the little rascal. After her nap I let Harley back out before 2:30 only to see the 2 of them running around with it. I rescued said glove and they continued on play. One time I looked out and Cooper was up on top of the round bales while H was trying to get him from below.

I attempted to spray a magazine rack white only to have major bleed thru, change of plans here. Everything was clear shellacked and left to dry. Cooper FINALLY came in at 3:30 along with H for their naps which coincided with the clouds rolling back in and a dismal day returned. I did boring accounting while they slept.

Out to spray the magazine rack with black paint, phew what a smell with everything sealed up. I tried to open the big door and man door but the cats were ready so it was short. I fed H outside so she did not have to smell it. Juggling the dogs in and out of the front door is enough.

look what are blooming!!

I cooked up a chicken souvlaki with roasted brussel sprouts (who knew I liked them) and sautéed zucchini for a healthy fresh supper. The wind finally let up and what a relief. Seeing Britt was working late tonight I went and put the cats away at 6:30 while still somewhat light. Looks like we now have a skating rink outside the shop.

Then it was writing tutorial while watching my iPad. The nightstand arrived in Edmonton almost safe and sound with only a wee knick she said would easily fix with the paint pot I included, yeah. And the jewelry box that was mailed on January 16 and marked stalled in Chicago feb 6 finally had an update to the buyer it was in a city 1 1/2 hours away. 9 again I shut it down and headed into the bedroom to prep and crawl into bed. Britt arrived to pick up Cooper at 9:30 after I had just let them out quick. I finished season 3 which ended the series of Sneaky Pete. Now what will I watch?

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