Saturday, January 16, 2021

Town run

I was brushing my teeth after my morning coffees and dressing for the day when the lovely cash register sound chimed. It was my latest jewelry box selling! I quickly finished up then took it to the garage to find a box, bubble wrap and packing peanuts to fit. The added treats and note were put in and all was ready to go just needing the shipping label created. It was then I realized the fellow had paid extra to have the door monogrammed!! My over efficiency did not pay off but after I messaged him he replied quickly that there was no need to unbox I could keep the $9.95 as a tip. WHAT!! I have only been tipped officially one other time. The fellow was so kind saying he was so glad he found the jewelry box and that is was beautiful and he could not wait to get it and would be leaving feedback too. What a great way to start the day.

Once I put in the dimensions for the parcel and double checked the weight I found it OVER by 1 kg which in turn jacked the price of shipping $12 over what he paid. Seeing he was such a nice guy I increased it to tracking as well and used my tip to cover this postage increase. Now to run it to town. I had a few other things to pick up making the trip worthwhile. I loaded up Harley and we were off after 12.

The first stop to score some stuffies for miss Harley had us confused as the gal (who is a friend of the girls) lives above a street of businesses but I did not have the actual apartment number. We circled and parked and waited then shot a message were did not see her nor the bag and headed to the post office in the drug store to send the parcel. This is where the 2nd unlucky event happened with the scanner not working nor able to print the shipping label. She tried a few times but the line up behind me increased so I said I would take to actual post office Monday ;( The stuffy gal replied we were at the right place and she would bring down so back we went to get the goody bag. Next stop was to pick up a medicine ball for Shaina as well as 4 canvas frames I planned to use for faux tiles.

Now I was off to B's to help her move around furniture quick as she was cleaning. She has a former 4-H friend who is stopping to have her dog meet Cooper as she would like to rent a room at B's later today. I took Cooper along with us to let her finish cleaning. Next stop at Sobey's to score the LAST bag of Christmas special popcorn they had tucked away for me. Kaylin kindly bought me a bag and mentioned she got it in town. My luck was back :) I grabbed sushi and rice wrapper rolls for my lunch while there. 

Then the dogs and I went thru Tim's drive thru to get a tea and the darn gingerbread muffins have been discontinued... rats! I grabbed the mail then back to the ranch before 2. The dogs were off to play as I unloaded my stuff then back out to scoop Cooper's poop quickly and give them the pink ball. Inside I was eating my late lunch and watching Wentworth when Britt arrived at 2:15. Heck she was basically right behind us. She took the dogs along as she fed Bird then loaded Cooper and headed for home.

I caught up the blog then opened mail to find a check. However after about 35 attempts at taking the front photo I called ATB support and got to spend an hour trouble shooting with no success so will have to deposit old school on Monday. I had thrown the stuffies in the wash and now dry gave Harley two. There are bets on their life span lol.

if she can overcome her stuffy destruction past she has lots of new babies

I had another load thrown in this am so folded it then back to computer work. B and Cooper were back for supper. I made us sausage, the dogs played and after supper B trimmed H nails while I was the masseuse.  She put the cats away before they headed home. It looks like the girl will be moving in Feb 1st too. I soaked in the tub watching Wentworth then continued in bed. I actually had to shut it off around 9:30 as dozy. Very odd for me I know but even after a bit of restlessness I think I fell asleep.

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