Sunday, January 17, 2021

It snowed

Dreary overcast day today with a headache to boot. After feeding H and my first cap we ran out to let the cats out. I then jumped in the shower while H was out with them. I grabbed a new house coat only to find dried on gunk that I never noticed. The same gunk was on a cloth napkin that I had noticed and tried to remove with no luck. I Made a cap and after picking, cutting, scrubbing the yuck off the housecoat I threw it in the washer. Time to write a Hometalk post for the navy bar stools. Then one for the drum table, I have so many to catch up on over there. While doing so I also spent time with IKEA support trying to get Britt's LED bulbs that burnt out in a year although the website claims they last up to 20 years with no luck. NOTE: do not buy IKEA light bulbs :)

I was vacuuming yet again when B and Cooper stopped out at 12:30. The dogs were off to play and she ironed her curtain that was washed after the new roomies dog peed on it. She is wondering why animals like to pee on her drapes LOL. She was then off to feed her horse and try a new blanket on Roo while I added white details to the little trinket box then sand and white wax.

The townies headed home before 2 and I got back to blog and tutorial writing while watching Wentworth . With my portable iPad I could finishing the last episode of the season while cleaning our bedroom. Linen washed including mattress pad, a deep vacuuming and wet wipe gave it a well needed tidy. H has taken to sleeping by my bed for an hour or so at night, go figure and my favorite essential oil diffuser leaves a residue everywhere. The sun had come out at 3 which also makes cleaning cheerier with fresh air coming in to waft away H farts LOL. At 4 she and I went for a good walk around the east pasture then back to play some find it with deer tidbits, scoop poop and finally put the kitties away before coming in.

Back inside it was more upkeep. It seems I had damp wiped before Christmas in the great room including the sideboard but once the felt bottomed candle holders were set back they left a mark. Dang it, I rewiped all clean and rubbed in another coat of hemp oil and left it to soak in. The floor were mopped again after vacuuming. The mattress pad was now dry so new sheets and it were put back on. I then got to spend almost an hour with Amazon support to get my refund for returned items. NOTE: do not try to save them shipping costs by putting multiple items from different orders in one box even with the proper return tags. They can't figure that out :)

I made a bowl of yogurt and fruit and headed to my clean bed to watch some Dream Home Makeovers. The wind had picked up but at least it was still a chinook wind keeping it around plus 1. While watching I had a sale for the frame I posted tonight, yeah. I finished the Dream Makeovers season then started a new one called Bridgerton. I shut out the lights to listen to a relaxing podcast but around midnight H was barking at something. When I let her out the ground was covered in fresh snow!! And still plus 1. Time to watch a couple more Bridgerton episodes before shutting it off around 2 am.

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