Friday, January 29, 2021

Cement projects staged

I heard H shuffling around just after 6 and seeing she had the dewormer yesterday I thought it best she go out. However once back in she was sequestered to the kennel for another hour while I drifted. Her breakfast was divided in two parts an hour apart but seems fine. The morning was another -15 with large fluffy light snow coming down. I spent the morning staging the cement vases and sorting thru pictures. My new phone loaded all from my old phone which I did not expect so needed to go thru them. Also videos I took needed to be added to tutorials they were missed on.

I forgot to mention that the kids table set sold yesterday after we were home from town or could have delivered. It is a local good customer who once got stuck in our driveway so scared to come pick it up. Don't worry Sandra I will deliver next time I come to town :)

Shaina was up after 11 in a fluff having slept in and a hair appointment in Airdrie at noon. She started her jeep and was off as the sun started to peek out. H and I went and let out the kitties filling food and water too. They were excited to be out in the sunny fresh snow. H got a little more food seeing she was out scavenging in the paddock lol.

Shaina snapped this on her way out

I continued my photo and video chores. This also included making an Etsy post  for the shelf as well as a shop post on my FB page. Time to start selling these projects.


It was so nice out and now -6, Britt asked me to take off Bird's blanket. I took a break and walked Harley and the cats. Playing ball of course wrapped up our time outside and back to work.

watch these 3 funny videos of my pack walk

I just love slow motion of this big girl

J and his girls

What are you doing Harley? Oh nothing except rearranging the firepit again

Supper was leftover roast and veggies while H ate hers. I watched the Magicians while eating then back to computer work. Britt and Cooper stopped around 6:30 for a quick poop and play then she tucked the cats away for the night before leaving. It has dropped back down to -13. I created some online ads as well as another Etsy ad for the curly maple bowl I cleaned up.

After enough computer work I headed to bed after 9 to watch my iPad. Shaina was back home at midnight.

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