Saturday, January 30, 2021

Another outdoor photo shoot

5:55 am I awoke briefly then H wanted outside at 6:45. Tried to get her to sleep again but she was hungry so feed her after 7 then sent out again quickly as -16. I checked my phone to find an Etsy sale!! It was for the wooden cookbook holder so I sourced a box and wrap and got on the mission of packaging it up. With my usual cap I got the shipping label done and worked on marketing. In my housecoat I let the cats out, it did not even seem that cold :)

Shaina was up after 10 and cooked me a fried egg with toast along with hers, thanks. She then was prepping and off to town after 12 for a photo shoot for her Body Smart account with Britt's help. She also took my parcel to drop at post office, thanks! B has her new roommate moving in today. As Shaina was leaving the delivery man dropped off dog food and a paint parcel. Exciting new paint line I had to open live on Instagram.

Then it was back to listing things for sale, staging photos and writing ads. I tried moving a plant around and had it dump out dirty water that required carpet cleaning, grrr. Shaina was back around 3 not having had luck with her photo shoot. Britt was boxed in her garage with the girl moving in. I offered to take a few pics outside in the snowy tundra. We hiked over to horses. S braved the cold but her puffy coat ended up with some pet slobber much to her chagrin. Hopefully one of them works for her.

silly kittens, nice Switch

I cropped this one to below but S did not like any

Britt and Cooper met us on our way back to the house. She had brought me a chai tea too!! It was my lucky day. Shaina was off to a phone call while B and I took the dogs for a walk. Back at the house I worked on my 2 teas. B spent some time outside still with Roo and the dogs.

Shaina helped me get the bottom off the planter to drain it in the tub then she was off for a 5:30 call. I cooked us up a sausage supper with B and I eating then she and Coop headed home before 6:30. Shaina was up then to eat her share then back to her work.

I did computer work then off to bed to watch my iPad; mostly Magicians but I did try starting one called Flack but it was bad.

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